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It would look something like a tub, wouldn't it? Perhaps it was to be the coast, for me, after all. The Colorado River in flood is a terrible stream. Unlike the Eastern rivers, there are no populous cities with apologies to Needles and Yuma along its shores, to be inundated with the floods. Unlike the rivers of the South, few great agricultural districts spread across its bottoms.

At Fort Yuma we telegraphed all over the country for a nurse, but no money would tempt those Mexican women to face an ocean voyage. Jack put me on board the old "Newbern" in charge of the Captain, waited to see our vessel under way, then waved good-bye from the deck of the "Gila," and turned his face towards his post and duty.

He dried the Hassayampa's bed in the hot desert sand and where man-like, incautiously he scorched the hem of Arizona's dress where now lies Yuma there the temperature rose ten degrees hotter than hades; but luckily since then it has cooled off as much. The happy maiden smiled with joy as Apollo kissed her long and often. He took the turquoise from the skies, an emblem of unfaltering faith.

The trail then winds under Yuma Point, and zigzags down the thinner strata of the red sandstones on to the red-wall limestones, where it affords more extended views on a lower plateau of lesser area, the rocky butte on the end of which is named Bunker Hill Monument.

Then Yuma busted in an' thought to work his guns. He got his'n, too. That there tenderfoot didn't have no respect for guns. Red says he never thought any man could hit so hard. It must have been sumptuous!" He laughed delightedly. "I'd like to shake hands with that tenderfoot he's my friend!" Hollis pulled out a cigar case, selected a cigar, lighted it, and smoked in silence.

"Think we're in some fool moving-picture play, you blamed young idiot. Put up that gun." Shrilly Bob retorted. He was excited enough to be dangerous. "Don't you get the wrong idea. I'm going to make this stick. You'll turn and go back with me to the Circle C." "And you'll travel to Yuma first thing you know, you young Jesse James. What you need is a pair of leather chaps applied to your hide."

I asked our guide how far we were from Fort Yuma and he said straight through it was one hundred and twenty miles, but the way that we would have to go it would be at least one hundred and fifty miles. I concluded we had better pull out for the fort so Freeman and myself rode ahead and George followed up the rear, driving the loose horses. We did not see any more Indian sign that day.

Them Injins charges two bits a head. That's a crime for the only way across. And how much do you suppose whisky'd be worth to drink after that desert? And a man's so sick of himself by the time he gets this far that he'd play chuck-a-luck, let alone faro or monte." That kind of talk hit them where they lived, and Yuma was founded right then and there.

"I hear that you intend to ride the outlaw Yuma. Is it so?" Collie nodded. "I had rather you didn't," said Louise. "Why?" asked Collie, tactlessly. Louise did not answer, and Collie strode off feeling angry with himself and more than ever determined to risk breaking his neck to win the outlaw. Boyar, the Moonstone pony, ran second in the finals. The buckskin of the Mexicans won first place.

Norton told him that these four comprised his outfit Bud acting as blacksmith. Hollis remained with the men only long enough to announce that there would be no change; that he intended to hang on and fight for his rights. When Norton told them that Hollis had already begun the fight by slugging Dunlavey and Yuma Ed, the enthusiasm of the four men was unbounded.