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And he gave to the pieces of the Ya and the Sung their proper places. More than this we cannot say.

Ya! ya! we gib Missa an abstonishment. And my light-hearted companion laughed with delight, at the prospect of making his mistress happy on our return. "Without farther parley, we unloosed the rein from the sage-bush, and led the ox back towards the wagon. Neither of us rode the horse, as we knew he would have enough to do in dragging up his share of the load.

As she arranged her skirt and settled herself, from an earthen drum just outside the house and an arghool there came a crude sound of native music, to which almost immediately added itself a high and quavering voice, singing: "Doos ya' lellee! Doos ya' lellee!" At the same moment Aïyoub came into the room, without noise, and handed to Baroudi, who was sitting opposite to Mrs.

The soil in many places where there is scarcely a blade of grass to be seen, possesses all the elements of vegetation. So the doctor will tell you; he has analysed it." "Ya, ya! dat ish true," quietly affirmed the doctor. "There are many oases," continued Seguin; "and where water can be used to irrigate the soil, luxuriant vegetation is the consequence.

The Queen Pao , whose maiden name was Po Ya, and the King Miao Chuang had lived nearly half a century without having any male issue to succeed to the throne. This was a source of great grief to them.

No; what room?” “Room for improvement, ya!” Two centuries and four revolutions have swept away all trace of this kingly caprice and the art treasures it contained. Alone, the marble horses of Coustou, transported later to the Champs Elysées, remain to attest the splendor of the past.

"Vell, so you come to town," said Tina. "Ya. Ay get a yob," said Bea. "Vell. . . . You got a fella now?" "Ya. Yim Yacobson." "Vell. I'm glat to see you. How much you vant a veek?" "Sex dollar." "There ain't nobody pay dat. Vait! Dr. Kennicott, I t'ink he marry a girl from de Cities. Maybe she pay dat. Vell. You go take a valk." "Ya," said Bea.

He neveh belonged to you. Jim, he owed me some money on my wages so I just took the pony for the money. An' now I hope you're through pesterin' me." "How much did he owe ya?" sez I. "Now you gone about far enough with this!" yells Monody. "I don't know how much he owed me, an' I don't care.

Antoine sang it with a fond monotony: "Would that each rose were growing Upon the rose-tree gay, And that the fatal rose-tree Deep in the ocean lay. 'I ya longtemps que je t'aime Jamais je ne t'oublierai." Angelique's heart grew suddenly heavy. From the rose-tree of the song her mind fled and shivered before the leafless rose-tree by the mine; and her old dread came back.

They camped in the wady, with machine-guns mounted and sentinels out. Abd el Rahman, liberated from his bonds and under strict surveillance, still refused to talk. No information could be got from him; but Rrisa's eyes brightened with unholy joy at sight of the old man ceremonially tearing his burnous and sifting sand on his gray head. "Allah smite thy face, ya kalb!"