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Being thus discovered, they, as soon as they could, got to their horses; but as many of the faire as had horses got up, with their wives, children, sweet harts, or neighbours, behind them, to get as much gape as they could, till they brought them to the court gate. Thus, by ill conduct, was a merry frolick turned into a penance." I've's Select Papers, p. 39.

The man arose, and looked at the bystanders, but they turned away. "A hundred noumiae for two willing hands!" he shouted. There was no reply. "If not for the money, then in honor of the noble lady who has feasted you and your wives and children." A voice answered out of the throng: "Here am I!" and presently the hamari appeared with the bear behind him.

We took wives who bore us children; we worshipped the Great Spirit; and we kept the Maquas beyond the sound of our songs of triumph!" "Know you anything of your own family at that time?" demanded the white. "But you are a just man, for an Indian! and, as I suppose you hold their gifts, your fathers must have been brave warriors, and wise men at the council fire."

Whether it is that all wives adore husbands when the latter are no more, or whether it is that Fatima's version of the story is really the correct one, and that the common impression against Bluebeard is an odious prejudice, and that he no more murdered his wives than you and I have, remains yet to be proved, and, indeed, does not much matter for the understanding of the rest of Mrs.

And for their young wives who had tidings to whisper to her about the unborn she had the pretty idea that they should live with beautiful thoughts, so that these might become part of the child. When Gavinia told this to Corp, he gulped and said, "I wonder God could hae haen the heart."

To this they answered, we do not make images of God; but when any of our rich men die, or their wives or children, or dear friends, they cause images to be made of the deceased, which are placed in the temple, which we venerate in respect to their memory. Then, said I, you do these things in flattery of men: but they insisted it was only in remembrance.

Mike noticed a look of relief or of pleasure on her face, he could not distinguish which. He pressed the conversation on wives, husbands, and lovers, striving to lead her into some confession. At last she said "I have had a lover for the last four years." "Really!" said Mike. He hoped his face did not betray his great surprise.

"I mayn't know whether she prefers to choose me," said Robert. The farmer smiled. "You never can exactly reckon about them; that's true." He was led to think: "Dahlia's the lass;" seeing that Robert had not had many opportunities of speaking with her. "When my girls are wives, they'll do their work in the house," he pursued.

"I want work alone, not marriage, sir." "He would pay thee his debt." "He owes me nothing. What happened was no fault of his, but of the life we were born in. He tired of me, and left me. Husbands tire of their wives, but stay on and beat them." "He drove thee mad almost, I remember." "Wives go mad and are never cured, so many of them.

"Seeing that we were good hunters, they were now going to marry us right off, that we might have wives to cut up our seals when we brought them home, which proposition put us in a great embarrassment.