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Or from the epic of the soil, he would slip on to the human epic bound up with it tale after tale of life in the ranching country, and of the emigration now pouring into Alberta witched out of him by this delicately eager face, these lovely listening eyes.

Robert Law, a Covenanting minister, but not a friend of fanaticism and sedition. In his Memorialls, a work not published till long after his death, he gives this instance of the deceitfulness of sprites. The Rev. Mr. John Shaw, in Ireland, was much troubled by witches, and by 'cats coming into his chamber and bed'. He died, so did his wife, 'and, as was supposed, witched'. Before Mr.

Afterwards Jim said the witches be witched him and put him in a trance, and rode him all over the State, and then set him under the trees again, and hung his hat on a limb to show who done it.

"It is all wrong," she said, "the lads' cruelty and the cursing of them and the blame of the woman who thought you had witched her child. Sir Walter shall send you a goat that you can tether within sight of the cottage. In my country the folk often feed their babes on goat's milk, and I would like well to taste goat's milk cheese again. Is Howel at work now?"

"She was outside, keeping watch for her brothers," said Patsy, looking at him with bright, clear eyes that could not be other than truthful. But Uncle Julian had had much experience, and he only smiled more knowingly than ever. "And the famous costume which so witched the men of war?" he asked. "Oh, that," said Patsy, "I had to run, and you can't run fast in a frieze coat with many capes!" "No."

The Thing began again its murmurings now infinitely caressing, coaxing like the song of a siren from some witched star! And the bell-sounds rang out compellingly, calling calling calling I saw Olaf lean far out of his place; saw, half-consciously, at Lugur's signal, three of the dwarfs creep in and take places, unnoticed, behind him. Now the first of the figures rushed upon the dais and paused.

Her face, colored like palest ivory with rose, was no doll's face, for all its symmetry and a forgotten patch to balance the dimple in her rounded chin; it was even noble in a sense, and, if too chaste for sensuous beauty, yet touched with a strange and pensive sweetness, like 'witched marble waking into flesh. Suddenly a voice came from above: "Dorothy, come here!"

"Your hands are not strong enough for that work!" Fleda again smiled at him, in the very dint of giving a hard push to her needle; a smile that would have witched him into good humour if he had not been determinately in a cloud and proof against everything. It only admonished him that he could not safely remain in the region of sunbeams; and he walked up and down the room furiously again.

Amy's Indian eyes swam in tears, and she and the mighty Chloe cast pitiful glances at their disgraced companion. "She never did it of her own 'cord," thought the shrewd Amy; "Miss Rusha jes threw on her her spell; she 'witched her as she did Massa; she made her go do it; she jes did now, so!" "You will not enter the house again," said Mrs. Lisle to the proved culprit.

'It's noan Nelly! answered Joseph. 'I sudn't shift for Nelly nasty ill nowt as shoo is. Thank God! shoo cannot stale t' sowl o' nob'dy! Shoo wer niver soa handsome, but what a body mud look at her 'bout winking. It's yon flaysome, graceless quean, that's witched our lad, wi' her bold een and her forrard ways till Nay! it fair brusts my heart!