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Certainly it was high time that the little party in the scow looked to what they were doing. With the hostile Iroquois on both sides the Susquehanna, and the awkward scow near the shore, it will be seen that the situation of the fugitives, striving to reach the protection of Wilkesbarre, was not of an encouraging nature.

It is seldom that the probable outcome of a suit at law gives so great satisfaction to all the parties concerned in it as this had done. Simon Craft was jubilant. At last his watching and waiting, his hoping and scheming, were about to be rewarded. It came in the evening of his life to be sure, but better late than never. He had remained in Wilkesbarre Saturday night.

"The only thing to surprise me will be to see something like haste used in getting over the river to Wilkesbarre. I suspect that Lena-Wingo will wait till daylight before making the start, even if he finds a canoe, on the ground that we ought to have something to eat before starting."

The principal seam in the anthracite district of central Pennsylvania, which extends for about 650 miles along the left bank of the Susquehanna, is known as the "Mammoth" vein, and is 29-1/2 feet thick at Wilkesbarre, whilst at other places it attains to, and even exceeds, 60 feet.

You are at liberty to act or not to act as you see fit. If you do not choose to act it will be unnecessary for me to prolong my visit. I will have to rise early in the morning, in order to get the first Wilkesbarre train, and I must retire without delay. "The adage of the early bird, My soul from infancy has stirred, And since the worm I sorely need I'll practise, now, that thrifty creed."

"All nonsense," he said, by way of introducing the subject. "The Iroquois say Lena-Wingo shan't go to Wilkesbarre all lie Lena-Wingo will go there Iroquois say Lena-Wingo shan't take gal there all lie will take gal there Iroquois say Lena-Wingo run away from Brandt all lie never run away." These broken sentences contained the secret of the Mohawk's course of action.

We shall therefore, give in this chapter a short account of the bloody butchery of the inhabitants of that beautiful little colony at Wyoming, and what Col. Bigelow thought of that demoniac cruelty, the bare remembrance of which makes us shudder. Wilkesbarre is the shire town of Luzerne county, Pa.

"Uncle Billy an' me's temperance; we don't drink nothin' much but water." "Oh!" responded Joe, "this is purely a temperance drink; it's made up from wheat, just the same as you get in your white bread. They have to drink it here in Wilkesbarre, the water is so bad. "When man and water both are ill, A little wheat-juice fills the bill. "Try some, you'll find it good."

Old Simon hasn't been so friendly to me since, for some reason. "Strange what trifles oft will tend To cool the friendship of a friend. "In fact, I was not aware that the boy had been found, until I heard that fact from his own lips one day last fall, in Wilkesbarre. We met by a happy chance, and I entertained him on account of old acquaintance's sake."

Durkee, who gave it the compound name it bears in honor of two eminent and zealous advocates of the American cause in the British parliament, Wilkes and Barre. Wyoming contained eight townships, each containing a square of five miles, beautifully situated on both sides of the Susquehanna. Wilkesbarre is one of those towns.