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"Oh, I reckin it can't be so serious ez all that," said Judge Priest comfortingly. "Betwixt us we oughter be able to find a way out of the difficulty, whutever it is. S'pose, honey, you start in at the beginnin' and give me all the facts in the matter that's worryin' you."

So we've decided that that perhaps it would be better all round if you if we if you " "Go on, chile; say it, whutever it is." " that perhaps it would be better if you left here altogether and went to live in that nice little house that papa left you in his will."

An' all time, Miz Johnson, I give you my word, I stannin' there holdin' nat basket, carryin' on up hill an' down dale how them the same two Berjum cats Mista Sammerses sen' her: an' trouble enough dess ten'in' to that basket, lemme say to you, Miz Johnson, as anybody kin tell you whutever tried to take care o' two cats whut ain't yoosta each other in the same basket.

"All right, then. Now I'm goin' to fix the hearin' fur to-morrow mornin' at ten. The other side is askin' fur a quick decision; and I rather figger they're entitled to it. Is that agreeable to you?" "Whutever you say, Judge." "Well, have you retained a lawyer to represent your interests in court? That's the main question that I sent fur you to ast you." "Do I need a lawyer, Judge?"

Is it true dat in all dem furrin countries Russia an' Germany an' Bombay an' all dat the po' people, w'ite or black or whutever dey color is, is fixin' to rise up in they might an' tek the money an' de gover'mint an' de fine houses an' the cream of ever'thing away frum dem dat's had it all 'long?"

"Son," said the mountaineer quietly, "you tell whutever you please about me." The curiously gentle smile had never left the bearded lips, but in his voice a slight proud change was perceptible. "An' you can take back yo' corn pone, honey." Then dropping the food in his hand back to the ground, he noiselessly melted into the bushes again.

"All right, then. Now I'm goin' to fix the hearin' fur to-morrow mornin' at ten. The other side is askin' fur a quick decision; and I rather figger they're entitled to it. Is that agreeable to you?" "Whutever you say, Judge." "Well, have you retained a lawyer to represent your interests in court? That's the main question that I sent fur you to ast you." "Do I need a lawyer, Judge?"

He cast a quick, furtive look, almost a guilty look, over his shoulder toward the rear of the courtroom before he went on: "Them watermelons wasn't really stole at all. I seen Mister Dick Bell beforehand and arranged with him to pay him in full fur whutever damage mout be done.

"I'll wait till you does so an' w'en you does so I'll say no, same ez I's already sayin' it to you in advance. Say, boy, you must have yore reasons fur the int'rust you is displayin' in dis matter." "Whutever 'tis 'taint got nothin' to do wid lurin' no money out of yore possession," said Jeff. His voice changed to one of deep gravity. "Brother Lovin', look yere at me."

"You was takin' a private lesson in plain and fancy swimmin' on a pink sofa cushion; and that there ancient and honourable milk crock was willed to you by the Mound-buildin' Aztecs; and a big bear come in the night and et up your wild strawberries which was a great pity, too, seein' they're worth thirty cents a quart right this minute on the New York market; and you killed them two pedigreed Leghorn woodcocks with a bow and arrows in the forest the forest whutever you jest now called it.