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He make you work widout stoppin' all day, and whack you on de sole ob your foots if you dar say one word. Was you eber whacked on de sole ob your foots?" "No, never," replied Foster, amused in spite of himself by the negro's earnest looks and manner. "Ho! den you don't know yet what Paradise am." "Paradise, Peter? You mean the other place, I suppose." "No, sar, I mean not'ing ob de sort.

He yelled, swore and struggled in the grip of the sturdy countryman, but it was of no use, the ash came down like fate; never was a Johnnie so bastinadoed before. "Give it the brute, give it him," shrilled the fair Edithia, bethinking her of her wrongs, and he did till he was tired. "Now, Johnnie boar," he panted at last, "I'm thinking I've pretty nigh whacked you to dead.

'Pretty, thinks I; 'so far so good. The way she whacked the pillers, shooked the blankets, and pitched into the beds was a caution; specially one blunderin' old featherbed that wouldn't do nothin' but sag round in a pig-headed sort of way, that would have made most girls get mad and give up.

Travers nodded his head in assent, and whacked an egg viciously with his spoon. "What's your scheme?" he said. "Is your idea to help the lady for her own sake sort of a philanthropic snap or as a speculation? We might make it pay as a speculation. You see nobody knows about her except you and me.

The best fellows are to have places with the King's Foresters, and the one who shoots straightest of all will win for prize a golden arrow a useless bauble enough, but just the thing for your lady love, eh, Rob my boy?" Here the Squire laughed and whacked the table again with his tankard. Rob's eyes sparkled. "'Twere indeed worth shooting for, uncle mine," he said.

"Shut up!" and inelegant and opprobrious epithets, all at the expense of the impetuous son of Erin who had spoken too soon. Some one whacked his empty head with an equally empty canteen and called him a Yap.

It did not occur to them that the yokel who stood warming himself by the stove might be the man they were after. But the gamekeeper's wife was quick to see his peril. She was baking bread and had just put the loaves into the oven with a long-handled spade. "Here, you lummox!" she cried, and whacked him soundly over the back with it, "what are ye standing there gaping at?

She took me for a train robber; and I danced with her about forty times, that night, and took her over to supper and we whacked up on our chicken salad because there was only one dish for the two of us oh, mamma!" He pulled off the saddle with a preoccupied air and rubbed Glory down mechanically.

"He didn't seem to be so very strong, but he was just a trifle quicker than chain-lightning, and as slippery and wiry as as Why, an eel isn't nowhere alongside of him." "I wish I had whacked him over the head before he gave me this prod," said Carey, shaking his fist at the unconscious object of his wrath.

As I ran through the lines, I whacked away, right and left, and this surprised them so much that I got through with but little harm. Perhaps you think, as others do, that there is no fun in an Indian. But the old men who sat near by were immensely tickled as their young men went down, and they showed their pleasure. "The first man who struck me was a young fellow eighteen or nineteen years old.