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In the Silver Age, again, the rape of Proserpine by Pluto is preluded by a song of 'a company of Swaines, and country Wenches' in honour of Ceres. An unkind and quite worthless tradition, based on a manuscript note in an old copy, has connected Peele's name with the lengthy and tedious drama of Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. It was admitted into the canon of Peele's works by Dyce, and though Mr.

It was a very spacious and very low hail on the ground floor, with a vaulted ceiling whose central spring rested upon a huge pillar of wood painted yellow; tables everywhere, shining pewter jugs hanging on the walls, always a large number of drinkers, a plenty of wenches, a window on the street, a vine at the door, and over the door a flaring piece of sheet-iron, painted with an apple and a woman, rusted by the rain and turning with the wind on an iron pin.

But, Harry, my boy, thou art to blame for taking her talk so much to heart. I have seen thee bold enough with other wenches, wherefore so still and tongue tied with her?" "Because she is something different from other maidens, father Glover because she is not only more beautiful, but wiser, higher, holier, and seems to me as if she were made of better clay than we that approach her.

"By my own saint, this town of Christ's Kirk has a change upon it!" he continued. "Last time I was here, it was as merry as King James when he sang of it. The young and the old hailed me as the prince of good fellows, and the wenches and wives ha! ha! "'To dans thir damysells them dight, Thir lasses light of laits; They were sae skych when I them nicht, They squeild like ony gaits."

'His voice began to take something of its old ring. 'I wonder at you tearin' up like a madman at this time o' night, and in this weather, with a yam like that. Why, man, what's come to you? Missus, he turned towards his wife, 'tell one of the wenches to get James a change, and when he's done that well sit down in quiet, and talk this matter over.

"More likes he's goin' a sparkin'," suggested one of the idlers. "The gal up ter the squire's holds herself pooty high an' mighty, but like as not she's as plaguey fond of bundling with a good-looking man on the sly as most wenches." "If she 's set on that, I'm her man," remarked Bagby. "Bundling?" questioned the covenant servant. "What 's that?"

They've just been in to tell me about it. What d'ye do it for?" "We do it for you amongst others," Jane Foley smiled. "Nay! That ye don't!" said the woman positively. "I've got a vote for the city council, and I want no more." "Well, you don't want us to get caught, do you?" "No, I don't know as I do. Ye look a couple o' bonny wenches."

Near her was seated Kate, indolent as of yore, now watching her sister with an indulgent, enigmatic expression, anon permitting a scornful glance to stray toward Adonis, who, for his part, had eyes only for his companion, a distinct change from country hoidens, tavern demoiselles and dainty wenches, with their rough hands and rosy cheeks.

The ladies of the Queen's fellowship seemed but kitchen wenches to his sight, in comparison with the loveliness of the maiden. When the Queen marked Launfal go aside, she went his way, and seating herself upon the herb, called the knight before her. Then she opened out her heart. "Launfal, I have honoured you for long as a worthy knight, and have praised and cherished you very dearly.

I have wiled him to ride over the down, and he is sitting under the walnut-tree quite spent, and the three little wenches are standing in a row, weeping like so many little mermaids. Come, I say! Lucy at once followed him through the house, through the deep porch to the court, which was shaded by a noble walnut-tree, where Sir Marmaduke loved to sit among his dogs.