United States or Cameroon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As for me," said Barbara, "my only consolation is that nearly every family has one of me, and some have more a nice- looking, well-liked, well-dressed young woman, who has cost her parents an enormous amount of money, to get nowhere!" "Why, Lady Babbie!" Julie protested. "It's not like you to talk so!" Barbara patted the hand that had been laid upon her knee, and laughed.

Falbe and anybody else who happened to be there at half-past one; tea in Mrs. Falbe's well-liked sitting-room at five, and dinner at eight. These meals Mrs. Falbe always breakfasted in her bedroom were served with quiet decorum. Apart from them, anybody who required anything consulted the cook personally.

If you learn to use the exclamations, it makes you interesting and well-liked. It gives the other fellow the chance to do the talking. Simplicissimus and that kind of thing are better than the dry, stilted German classics 'Ekkehard, 'Nathan der Weise' and all that discarded stuff. But remember that esprit was not given the Germans, because it would hide their Boeotian stupidity."

Those from the Gold Coast are still more powerful in body, but are good-natured and well-liked by planters. The Ebros are less black than those already named, almost mulatto in complexion, and make favorite house servants. The Ashantees are of another prominent tribe, and are also popular as plantation hands, but not numerous.

Hope hardly ever talks about them, but I've seen their photographs, and of course I have often been told about them by Great-aunt Alison, and others and heard how they died. They were very clever and good-looking and well-liked the kind of sons mothers are very proud of, and they all died imperially, if that is an expression to use.

He was going to be president of the college some day, like his father before him; an' it was her place to help him in every way she could help him to be popular an' well-liked by all the college people an' students; an' he couldn't be that if she insisted all the time on keepin' him to herself, or lookin' sour an' cross if she couldn't have him.

His flower among grass-blades for a head looking studiously down, she was his fountain of wisdom as well, in the assurance she gave him of the wisdom of his choice. But Madge had put up the 'prize-fighter's lass, by way of dolly defence, to cover her amazed confusion when the proposal of this well-liked gentleman to a girl such as she sounded churchy.

These walks with Krafft finally resulted in the institution of a fund which Keith raised and put into Krafft's hands for intelligent use. The effects were so interesting that Keith, thoroughly fascinated, began to pester his friends for positions for some of his proteges. As he was well-liked and in earnest, these efforts were taken good-humourediy.

Tertullian also writeth, that he who was to be excommunicate in the public assembly of the church, was, by the common consent of all, stricken with judgment, and that all the approven and well-liked elders had the precedence or direction of the rest of the church in these matters.

We knew that he had sailed and sailed, and had had his own ship, maybe two or three of them! Then too the Pinzons and the Prior of La Rabida answered for him. A lot of us almost belong to the Pinzons, having signed to fish and voyage for them, and the Prior is a well-liked man.