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The Parc de Bougainville Ivan Stroganoff He tells me the history of Tahiti He berates the Tahitians Wants me to start a newspaper. In the parc de Bougainville I sat down on a bench on which was an old European. He was reading a tattered number of "Simplicissimus," and held the paper close to his watery eyes. I said, "Good morning" and he replied in fluent though accented English.

He answers those who wish to persuade him to go back with words which seem quite appropriate to-day: "My God, where do you want to carry me? Here is peace. There is war. The Munich weekly, "Simplicissimus," whose powerful political cartoons have often startled Europe, takes its name from this character.

They held as certainly established all the facts related by Abbot Simplicissimus, and in particular declared, on the testimony of that monk, that the devil, assuming a monk's form had carried off the saint to a cave and had there striven with her until she overcame him. Neither places nor dates caused them any embarrassment.

A picture of this horrible period is found in the curious novel, "The Adventurous Simplicissimus," written by Grimmelshausen, and published in 1669, which describes the adventures of a wise peasant who finally leaves his native Germany and betakes himself to a desert island which he refuses to leave when offered an opportunity to go back to the Fatherland.

In prose literature, the latter half of the seventeenth century, Germany has only one work to show, though that is indeed a remarkable one namely, Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus, a romantic fiction under the guise of an autobiography of wild and weird adventure for the most part concerned with the Thirty Years' War.

Ex moribus in morals there was also all the difference in the world between the two students. Valentine Kalondai was no despiser of wine and music. He even lived on friendly terms with folks like the Silesian Simplicissimus, whom everyone else looked down upon as a loafing vagabond, who could do absolutely nothing but blow the trumpet; while Catsrider was the model of a well ordered youth.

If you learn to use the exclamations, it makes you interesting and well-liked. It gives the other fellow the chance to do the talking. Simplicissimus and that kind of thing are better than the dry, stilted German classics 'Ekkehard, 'Nathan der Weise' and all that discarded stuff. But remember that esprit was not given the Germans, because it would hide their Boeotian stupidity."

He had first come across such evidence in leading comic journals. The drawings and jests that did not leave much to be filled out, adorned many a German page with an Adamic candor. It divorced him from Simplicissimus and Ulk, not that he was squeamish or a Miss Priscilla, but he saw no fun in that sort of thing. He talked of it later with Anderson.

With the exception of the well-known Fliegende Blätter, Kladderadatsch, and one or two less representative, there is nothing to compare with the artistic excellence and restrained good taste of Life or Punch, for example. There is one illustrated paper published in Munich, Simplicissimus, which deserves more than negligent and passing comment.

"English Character," by Professor Arnold Schröer. "England and We," by Dr. J. Riessner, President of the Hanseatic League. "How England prevented an Understanding with Germany," by Professor Th. Schiemann. "God Punish England," published by Simplicissimus. "Perfidious Albion," by Alfred Geiser. "Our Enemies among Themselves," Caricatures from 1792-1900 collected by Dr. Paul Weiglin.

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