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"I dare say," said I. But I soon doubted Watkins's opinion in the first place, because the woman's dress did not look like that of a peasant woman; and, secondly, because she went into the house, appeared again, and levelled at us what was, if I mistook not, a large pair of binocular glasses. Now, such things were not likely to be in the possession of the peasants of Neopalia.

Watkins would have to send round the station, and considered the chances of a trooper to the Watkinses with two children and not a penny but his pay it did make it easier not to have to go by a liner and Colonel Harbottle and I were halfway to the reading-room before the significance of Major Watkins's sick-leave flashed upon me. 'But this, I cried, 'will make a difference to your plans.

I could get your uncle a Whistler etching for twenty-five pounds; a really fine thing, you know " This was Watkins's hobby. "Oh, well, it won't be bad in the end of the hall at New York; it's as dark as pitch there; and then Uncle Ezra can leave it to the Metropolitan as a Giorgione. It will give the critics something to do.

During the eighteen years of his connection with it first as a subordinate in the Boston office, and finally as its general agent there he had seen a good many changes in the Reciprocity; presidents, vice-presidents, actuaries, and general agents had come and gone, but there had always seemed to be a recognition of his efficiency, or at least sufficiency, and there had never been any manner of trouble, no question of accounts, no apparent dissatisfaction with his management, until latterly, when there had begun to come from headquarters some suggestions of enterprise in certain ways, which gave him his first suspicions of his clerk Watkins's willingness to succeed him; they embodied some of Watkins's ideas.

"I hear some wheels, Miss Frances," said Watkins's old wife, hobbling out of the house. "Eh, but it is a hot day; we'll have thunder afore night, I guess. Eh, Miss Frances, but you do look well, surely." "I feel it," said Frances, with a very bright smile. "Ah, there's my little cousin poor child! how hot she must be. Well, Fluff, so here you are, back with your old Fanny again!"

Watkins's cutter led the way, Jonas occupying his old place in the bow, and passing his instructions to the coxswain in a whisper. The sailors bent to their work with a will, and the boats moved swiftly on their course; but the muffled oars were dipped so carefully, and feathered so neatly, that there was no sound heard save the slight swishing of the water alongside.

They don't drink two glasses of wine after dinner, and every other man at table is a country curate, with a white neckcloth, whose talk is about Polly Higson's progress at school, or widow Watkins's lumbago.

Watkins's further researches produced a large chunk of native cheese; and when he had set this down, he remarked: "In a pen behind the house, close to the kitchen windows, there are two goats; and your lordship sees there, on the right of the front door, two cows tethered." I began to laugh, Watkins was so wise and solemn. "We can stand a siege, you mean?" I asked.

William Watkins, the proprietor of the popular livery establishment on Main Street. Mr. Brown will remain in the city several days, and a reception will be tendered him at Mr. Watkins's on Wednesday evening." "That ends it," sighed Mr. Clayton. "The dove of peace will never again rest on my roof-tree." But why dwell longer on the sufferings of Mr.

Watkins's men were moving toward the house while the negro was talking in this way, and now they were drawn up in line in front of the gallery by the master's mate, who was second in command, while Mr. Watkins mounted the steps and pounded upon the door with such effect that he awoke echoes in all the wide halls.