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Thus the world might read of "The Squire of Wanless, every inch a soldier," in one journal, and of "Nevile Ingram, Esquire, of Wanless Hall," in another. There are no politics in police reports, but broadcloth is respectable. The prisoner was described as "Struan Glyde, 23, a sickly-looking young man, who exhibited symptoms of nervousness."

Up to the day when we first met with her, her garden-hat in her hand, reading her telegram by the garden window, she had been eight years governor of Wanless and for nearly two of those years alone.

Lady Wanless had died prematurely, and her two younger children, Helen and Hugh Flaxman, creatures both of them of unusually fine and fiery quality, had owed a good deal to their aunt. There were family alliances between the Sedberghs and the Wendovers, and Lady Charlotte made a point of keeping up with the squire.

You've been too snug, you know too long under glass. You left the school-room to go to Wanless and where were you there? Under cover. You want the sun, the wind, and the rain; you want to know what these things feel like and how the rest of us take 'em. And you want to be seen, if you let me say that. We all like being looked at, I believe. I know that I do, when I'm quite sure about my hat.

If she's unhappy, I shall be in the worst place I ever was in my life. I don't know what I shall do." "That's the first time you ever said that, I'll go bail," Chevenix interrupted him. But Senhouse did not hear him. "I did everything I could at the time. I nearly made her quarrel with me I dared do that. I went up to Wanless and saw Ingram. I hated the fellow, I disapproved of him, feared him.

Lady Charlotte was already known by name to the Elsmeres as the aunt of one of their chief friends of the neighbourhood the wife of a neighbouring squire whose property joined that of Murewell Hall, one Lady Helen Varley, of whom more presently. Lady Charlotte was the sister of the Duke of Sedbergh, one of the greatest of dukes, and the sister also of Lady Helen's mother, Lady Wanless.

Norham with a secretary and a valet, much preoccupied, and chewing the fag-end of certain Cabinet deliberations in the morning; Flaxman's charming sister, Lady Helen Varley, and her husband; his elder brother, Lord Wanless, unmarried, an expert on armour, slightly eccentric, but still, in the eyes of all intriguing mothers, and to his own annoyance, more than desirable as a husband owing to the Wanless collieries and a few other trifles of the same kind; the Bishop of Markborough; Canon France and his sister; a young poet whose very delicate muse had lodged itself oddly in the frame of an athlete; a high official in the Local Government Board, Mr.

She received him cordially. It was good to see the cheerful youth again, and to be able to rejoice in the man of the world he affected to be. A man of the world throned, at it were, upon the brows of a suckling. Wisdom was justified of her child. "So you cut it? Thought you would. Wanless Hall is all very well in its little way when the rainbows are jumping, what? D'you remember that fish?

Not until she was completely hidden up did he put on his hat again. Then he prowled noiselessly about among the breathing flowers. Wanless, as they call it there, Wanless Hall, Felsboro', as it is politically, stands squarely and deeply in the hills of a northern county, plentifully embowered in trees, with a river washing its southern side.

For a week she had shivered at her loneliness; then she had plunged anew into the flood of affairs, and had come out, as from a cold bath, braced and tingling. Round went the wheels of Wanless. The house was new-papered, painted, carpeted; every month brought new wonders to the garden.