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Meanwhile he was as much cut off from the great house and its master as though both had been surrounded by the thorn hedge of fairy tale. The Hall had its visitors during these winter months, but the Elsmeres saw nothing of them.

But Providence has been kinder to you and the duke than you deserve. Miss Leyburn does not care for me, and she does care or I am very much mistaken for somebody else. He pronounced the words deliberately, watching their effect upon her. 'What, that Oxford nonentity, Mr. Langham, the Elsmeres' friend? Ridiculous! What attraction could a man of that type have for a girl of hers?

She looked up; her smile vanished. 'Go down, Dandie, she said severely, and walked quickly into the house with as much dignity as nineteen is capable of. At breakfast the Elsmeres found their guest a difficulty. But they also, as we know, had expected it.

Since the war of 1870 Madame de Netteville had fixed her headquarters in London, and it was to her house in Hans Place that the Squire wrote to her about the Elsmeres. She owed Roger Wendover debts of various kinds, and she had an encouraging memory of the young clergyman on the terrace at Murewell.

When the Elsmeres arrived at Les Avants this scantily furnished garret out of which some servants had been hurried to make room for them, was all that could be found. They, however, liked it for its space and its view. They looked sideways from their windows on to the upper end of the lake, three thousand feet below them.

So she promptly left her cards, together with the intimation that she was at home always on Friday evenings. 'I have never seen the wife, she meditated, as her delicate jewelled hand drew up the window of the brougham in front of the Elsmeres' lodgings. 'But if she is the ordinary country clergyman's spouse, the squire of course will have given the young man a hint.

And she looked round her in petulant despair, angry with herself for having done this foolish thing, angry with the loneliness and barrenness of the valley, where no inn opened doors of shelter for such as she, angry with the advancing gloom, and with the bitter wind that teased and stung her. A little way up the lane she saw a small gate that led into the Elsmeres' garden.

Lady Aubrey also pushed away a cigarette case which lay beside her hand. Everybody there had the air more or less of an habitué of the house; and when the conversation began again, the Elsmeres found it very hard, in spite of certain perfunctory efforts on the part of Madame de Netteville, to take any share in it.

You have only to drink in the atmosphere and you are cured. I know no better antidote than Athens for a siege of cable-cars and muddy asphalt pavements and a course of Robert Elsmeres and the Heavenly Twins.

But Providence has been kinder to you and the Duke than you deserve. Miss Leyburn does not care for me, and she does care or I am very much mistaken for somebody else. He pronounced the words deliberately, watching their effect upon her. 'What, that Oxford nonentity, Mr. Langham, the Elsmeres' friend? Ridiculous! What attraction could a man of that type have for a girl of hers?