United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Such were the ruminations of Cyrus Worthington at his own garden-party, and he pursued them at favoured moments with his glass of port at dessert, with his last cigar, with his whisky night-cap. In the city next day he rallied Thomas Welbore, who betrayed unlimited relish for the diversion; and within a few days more he left a card in Charles Street and took a late train to Walton-on-Thames.

It is almost needless to point out how closely these ideas agree with those of many Hindus. The Gipsy eats every and any thing except horseflesh. Among themselves, while talking Rommany, they will boast of having eaten mullo baulors, or pigs that have died a natural death, and hotchewitchi, or hedgehog, as did the belle of a Gipsy party to me at Walton-on-Thames in the summer of 1872.

J'ai cause aujourd'hui avec l'aubergiste de Walton-on-Thames, et il m'a dit qu'il nous nourrirait et nous logerait tous les deux pour L2 par semaine. On y est tres bien, il y a un jardin, et des etudes a faire en quantite. Mr. Haden pense que la peinture ne fatiguerait pas autant le cerveau que la litterature.

Clarence Burns allow her picture to be used, and have you one of Mrs. De Friese? Always faithfully yours, J. C. CROLY. From a Letter to Mrs. May Riley Smith ... I have never done anything that was not helpful to woman so far as it lay in my power. HILL FARM COTTAGE, HERSHAM, WALTON-ON-THAMES, ENGLAND, Oct. 29, 1900.

Worthington's career in the Charles Street lists shall be chronicled. He was a portly widower, a banker, a father, who made his bow to Lady Maria some three times a year when he dined in Charles Street. In return, he received her ladyship once during a summer at his mansion of Fallowlea, Walton-on-Thames.

That which is pleasant gayety in conversation may be quite out of place in formal composition, and Motley's wit must have had a hard time of it struggling to show its spangles in the processions while his gorgeous tragedies went sweeping by. By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. AEt. 46-52. The winter of 1859-60 was passed chiefly at Oatlands Hotel, Walton-on-Thames. In 1860 Mr.

The heavy months dragged on and winter slowly turned to spring without improving his position or spirits. Socially he had but one relief; and, to the end of life, he never forgot the keen gratitude he owed for it. During this tedious winter and for many months afterwards, the only gleams of sunshine were on the days he passed at Walton-on-Thames as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

I think of you at every gathering, and if you remember me, show it in your determination to make the Woman's Press Club of Greater New York an honor to the metropolis of the New World and to American womanhood. J.C. CROLY. Hill Farm, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, England. Letter to Sorosis May, 1899.

I am rejoiced to hear of the Press Club's prosperity. Nothing could give me greater pleasure than to know of its constant growth and advancement. With love, ever yours, J. C. CROLY. Letters to Mrs. Caroline M. Morse HILL FARM COTTAGE, WALTON-ON-THAMES, SURREY, ENGLAND, Dec. 13, 1898.

WALTON-ON-THAMES, April 13, 1860. DEAREST SOPHIA, My pen continues to be the same instrument of torture to me that you remember it always was in my youth, when I used to read your letters with such wonder and delight. This spell is still upon me, for I appreciate the magic of your mind now as much as I did then, and have treasured up every little bit of a note that you wrote me in Rome.