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Wait'll I tell you," he went on. "You know how crazy he is about rich young heiresses? You know how he's always 'dressing up' and talking and writing about marrying one of those girls in the West end?" All he does is to dress up every night as though he were going to a ball, and walk out that way and moon around. Well, listen. Here's the idea.

Gridley sent cha, did he?" he observed, eyeing me most critically. "Yes, sir." "What's the matter? What does he want with 'em? Do ya know?" "Yes, sir. My father's sick with kidney trouble, and Dr. Gridley said I was to come out here." "Oh, all right. Wait'll I git my big knife," and back he went, returning later with a large horn-handled knife, which he opened.

"Is that a decent way to talk to a man who is going out? Never heed him, Dick! Let him wait for his dirty guineas till we return." "Thirty guineas?" hiccoughed Richard. "It was only eight. Anyhow wait'll I've sli' the gullet of's Mr. Wilding." He checked on a thought that suddenly occurred to him. He turned to Vallancey with a ludicrous solemnity. "'Sbud!" he swore.

Kennedy called after them, "Ten years from now every family on Genoa'll have a car. Wait'll you see. Television, too. We're introducing TV next year. An' civil aviation. Be all over the place in two, three years " The Texcocans slammed the spaceport after them. Kennedy sloshed some more drink into his glass. "Slobs can't stand the truth," he explained to the others.

"Supposing you get 'em and take 'em out to dinner?" "Sure," said Drouet. "Wait'll I go upstairs and change my clothes." "Well, I'll be in the barber shop," said the other. "I want to get a shave." "All right," said Drouet, creaking off in his good shoes toward the elevator. The old butterfly was as light on the wing as ever.

Wait'll we heave into view that night! I'm going to get myself up like a joke, a hobo. I'll disgrace him. Oh, Lord, he'll be crazy! He'll think we've ruined his life, scared her off. There's no address. He can't do a thing. Oh, ho, ho, ho!"

Mendova's all right, but wait'll we've hunted Yankee Bar." The money burned in their pockets, but as they stood looking out at the long, beautiful Yankee Bar its appeal went home. For more than a hundred years generations of pirates had used there, and no one knows how many tragedies have left their stain in the great band around from Gold Dust Landing to Chickasaw Bluffs No. 1.

But Tom kept listening to the subdued click of the monorail and kept wondering. Finally Roger, sleeping next to him, wakened for a moment. "Roger," said Tom, "I want to ask you something." "Wait'll the mornin'," mumbled Roger. "Wanta sleep." "The way you acted with Bernard," Tom persisted. "You ate his dinner and then acted like he was poison. Why was that, Roger?" The other sat bolt upright.