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He said, in a loud voice, when I entered the salon where he was surrounded by the officers who formed his brilliant staff, "I am glad to see you, at last" "Te voila donc, enfin;", but as soon as we were alone he made me understand that he was pleased with my reserve, and thanked me for it. I was immediately placed at the head of his Cabinet.

"I fear you do not know bears." "Dieu! better than men. Voila!" she exclaimed, touching me with the end of her parasol. "You are not so terrible. I do not think you would bite." "No; I have never bitten anything but but bread and doughnuts, or something of that sort." "Come, I desire to intimidate you. Won't you please be afraid of me? Indeed, I can be very terrible. See! I have sharp teeth."

You are only putting their backs up!" The Frenchman shrugged his shoulders as he looked at them. "Mon Dieu!" he cried, "were there ever such impracticable people? Voila!" he added, with a shriek, as the two American ladies fell upon their knees beside Mrs. Belmont. "It is like the camels one down, all down! Was ever anything so absurd?" But Mr.

'She is dead! Satisfactory so far, yet not quite; for, Madame being dead, then what has become of the corpse of Madame? It was never seen, no coffin was ever ordered, and apparently it was never buried! Bien! What follows? The good people of Bosekop draw the only conclusion possible Monsieur Gueldmar, who is said to have a terrific temper, killed Madame and made away with her body. Voila!"

"Breakfast about ready?" he asked, with a grin. "Breakfas'! Voila! A'm lak' A'm got som' breakfas', you bet! Me A'm gon' for cut de chonk of meat out de dead steer but de pilgrim say: 'Non, dat bes' we don' eat de damn drownded cattle dat better we sta've firs'!" Tex laughed: "Can't stand for the drownded ones, eh? Well I don't know as I blame you none, they might be some soggy."

When she entered with her heavy step, treading on her heels, the gentlemen and Mademoiselle Bourienne rose and the little princess, indicating her to the gentlemen, said: "Voila Marie!" Princess Mary saw them all and saw them in detail.

"Cave, my dear brats, be artig," came Bertha's cool even tones. "Ah! we are observed." "No, we are not observed. The observer observeth not." Miriam saw her companions looking across the boulevard. Following their eyes she found the figure of Pastor Lahmann walking swiftly bag in hand in the direction of an opening into a side street. "Ah!" she cried gaily. "Voila Monsieur; courrez, Mademoiselle!"

He switched his horse, and went skimming down the slope, followed by his comrades. Soon they came to a place where the ground was more broken and rocky. "Voila! a bar! a bar!" shouted the excitable half-breed; "com, kill him!" They looked, and there, sure enough, was an object which Rollin declared was a large grizzly bear.

Hardly snatching sustenance from Fate, the peasant fights into greatness; the aristocrat may only win to it by rejecting Fate's luxuries. The peasant never escapes the austere teaching of hard experience, the aristocrat the languor of good fortune. There is the peasant and there am I. Voila! enough of Detricand of Vaufontaine. . . . The Princess Guida and the child, are they

And now take an inch of whisky and ease the anxious soul. 'Voila!" After a moment he added: "Women work these things out for themselves." Then the two left the hut, and amiably strolled together to the centre of the village, where they parted. It was as Pierre had said: the woman would work the thing out for herself.