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I think after they got to know you they'd serve anything from a cocktail in a teacup to the latest fads. I am sure that I saw one woman taking some veronal in her coffee." "Veronal?" commented Craig. "Then that may be where Dr. Harris comes in." "Partly, I think. I've got to find out more about what is hidden there. Once I heard a man's voice and I know it was Dr. Harris's." "Harris!

She took out of a drawer in her dressing-table a case of medicinal cachets marked "Veronal." "One or two more or less will not hurt me," she said, with a pale, forced smile at herself in the mirror "I am accustomed to it and I must have a good long sleep!" She had her way. Morning came, and she was still sleeping. Noon and nothing could waken her.

His eyes went out exactly like that bulb. They faded and faded out of his face, which still kept up that queer, twisted smile. I've seen them ever since; wherever I turn. I shall be glad of that bout of influenza, and shall begin it with a stiff dose of veronal.... When the light had nearly gone out of his eyes and he was rocking on his feet, I spoke for the first time. I spoke loud too.

Doctors, hastily summoned, did their best to rouse her to that life which with all its pains and possibilities still throbbed in the world around her but their efforts were vain. "Suicide?" whispered one. "Oh no! Mere accident! an overdose of veronal some carelessness quite a common occurrence. Nothing to be done!" No! nothing to be done!

And it was evident from the healthy colour of his face and his comfortable way of stretching and yawning that his night's sleep had thoroughly refreshed him. "But the weather is fiendish," he added, seating himself close beside Frederick. "Congratulate you," said Frederick. "I didn't sleep a wink." "Take some veronal. But whatever you do, come down now to breakfast with me.

It wasn't so much that I was afraid I couldn't take care of myself as it was that I was afraid that it would blunt the keenness of my observation and I might miss something." "Besides the cigarettes, was there anything else?" asked Craig. "Yes, indeed. I didn't see anyone there I recognized, but I heard some of them talk. One was taking a little veronal; another said something about heroin.

This was no more than a commercial necessity. For those who have opium, cocaine, veronal, or heroin to sell can always find a ready market in London and elsewhere.

"His heart must have been weak," Rose said. "You know, he didn't sleep well. And a little while ago they found that he'd passed away in the night quite peacefully. They believe it must have been an overdose of veronal. He was in the habit of taking it." Mary sprang up, her hands clasped and pressed against her breast. All colour was drained from her face.

Three days and nights they were on the sleeper; forty miles they drove over increasingly poor roads to the big ranch in the Montana foot-hills where everybody else seemed so well, so coarsely well, she thought. After the first week the aspirin and the veronal gave out and there was no "earthly chance" of getting more.

"But well, of course, it was heart failure. When the heart stops beating, there's heart failure. What a silly verdict!" "It sounded rather worse than silly," was Ian's comment. "Did did they cut him up, to see if he'd taken morphia, or an overdose of laudanum or veronal or something? I had a friend who died of taking quantities of veronal while you were abroad so long a South American, she was."