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"Then it is sometimes the other way? Is she nice?" "Who?" returned Alec, surprised into doubt. "Your mother." "She's the best woman in the world," he answered with vehemence, almost shocked at having to answer such a question. "Oh! I beg your pardon," returned Kate, laughing; and the laugh curled her lip, revealing very pretty teeth, with a semi-transparent pearly-blue shadow in them.

And all the way she was thinking of Francis Sales, his absurdity, his good looks and his distress; but in the permanence of his distress, even in its sincerity, she did not much believe, for he had failed to touch anything but her pity, and that failure seemed an argument against the vehemence of his love.

They made of her a being, half-angel and half-toy, but I refuse to be bound by their outworn ideas. "Nowadays we prate less priggishly about honor because it is no longer a word with a single meaning." He paused a moment, then went on in a climax of vehemence. "From this moment on your New England code and my inherited chivalry may be hanged on the same gibbet!

At the turn of her phrase she turned cold, and added with a quick vehemence: "No, no! before that! Long before that!" She went on, to cover her agitation and get the maid out of the room, "'Stashie, get the baby a glass of milk."

'Your vehemence, replied the vicar, smiling, 'is sufficient proof that you don't think it impossible for all these questions to be answered in another sense. I can't pretend to have read the facts of her life infallibly, but suppose I venture a hint or two, just to give you matter for thought.

Of yourself, you could come with soft flight and nestle against my heart, if you would; seized against your will you will elude the grasp like an essence you will vanish ere I inhale your fragrance. Oh, come, Jane, come!" It is the crucial scene of the book; and with all its power, with all its vehemence and passionate reality it is unconvincing. It stirs you and it leaves you cold.

Omer, and there, with my chancellor and my council, I will determine the apportionment and we will speak also of other matters touching my province of Flanders." It was this vehement oratory and this vehemence was repeated on many occasions that did more to alienate Charles from his hereditary subjects than his actual demands.

The rest looked on in painful silence; they seemed to be deprived of the power of speech or action by the Squire's vehemence; the wind howled about the house fitfully, and was still, then resumed its wailing grief. "And you stand there and defy me for that woman in the presence of Kate, to whom you are as good as betrothed?"

From my father I may hope forgiveness, but must never expect concession; from my mother I may hope all she ought to grant, for pardon but her vehemence, and she has every great quality that can dignify human nature!"

Prince was already getting to know his little mistress, and welcomed her back with short happy barks and a great many licks. And Betty poured out all her heart's love for him in the shape of caresses and pats and kisses, whispering in his silken ears many a secret, and hugging him to her breast with a passionate vehemence which astonished and amused those who saw her.