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'Young man, I have no wish to be hard on a congenital idiot who is not responsible for his actions, but I must insist on an explanation. I understand that you are in charge of the correspondence in this office. Well, during the last week you have three times sent unstamped letters to my fiancee, Miss Vera Delane, Woodlands, Southbourne, Hants. What's the matter with you?

Up, up, the stony causeway to the mists above the glare, Where the smell of browsing cattle drowns the petrol in the air? Just before they left Paris a letter had come for Lewis a big, official envelop, unstamped. He tore it open, full of curiosity and wonder. Out fell a fat inclosure. Lewis picked it up and stared.

The driver, who was dressed in ordinary chauffeur's garb, mounted the stairs to the entrance, and when his ring was answered by the appearance of an attendant, requested him to deliver a letter that he handed him to "Mr. Tom Henderson." A few moments later Tom was interrupted in his studies by a knock on the door of his room, and on opening it was handed an unstamped envelope.

The envelope was covered with mud and unstamped. It bore the words "To be handed to M. le Vicomte Raoul de Chagny," with the address in pencil. It must have been flung out in the hope that a passer-by would pick up the note and deliver it, which was what happened. The note had been picked up on the pavement of the Place de l'Opera. Raoul read it over again with fevered eyes.

"Well, that much of the new order will be quite to my liking," said I, and turned to my mail. The letters lay face downward, of course, and I opened them in their order without bothering to examine the superscription. Presently, I came upon one sealed with a blurred dab of green wax. Rather curious, I turned it over; it was unstamped and was marked: "Personal and Important."

As it was their business to know all about the Agencies, they were on terms of almost indecent familiarity with Manifestations of every kind. Their letters dropped from the ceiling unstamped and Spirits used to squatter up and down their staircases all night; but they had never come into contact with kittens.

Also she had seen him more than once sitting with a letter before him and gazing at it for many minutes together. She had also noted that it was the same letter on each occasion; that it was a closed letter, and also that it was unstamped. She knew that, because she had seen it in his desk the desk once belonging to her father, a sloping thing with a green-baize top.

"But I 'm a young, strong girl, and I fear I 'm not so worthy an object of charity as a tree, an unstamped letter, an infant Ruggles, or a deserted cat! Still, I know the dresses will be lovely, and I had quite forgotten that I must be clothed in purple and fine linen for five months to come.

Also she had seen him more than once sitting with a letter before him and gazing at it for many minutes together. She had also noted that it was the same letter on each occasion; that it was a closed letter, and also that it was unstamped. She knew that, because she had seen it in his desk the desk once belonging to her father, a sloping thing with a green-baize top.

Letters should always be stamped on the upper right-hand corner of the envelope. Packages should be stamped in the same way and on the addressed side. The using of cancelled stamps is a felony. Foreign stamps have no value on letters or parcels mailed in the United States. A domestic, unstamped letter will not be forwarded.