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I wandered through the long, darkish hall that penetrated our edifice from front to back, and I sometimes emerged into the garden's bosky sullenness in my unsmiling misery.

John Thomas was an unsmiling humorist and the idol of the undemonstrative crew. He had seen the girl's approach and was ready with his answer. Then Janet went across the sand hill to Billy's little house. Inside all was as neat and trim as a ship's cabin.

All through the performance Ruth sat a silent, attentive listener. Kemp, with his ready laugh at Gratiano's sallies, would turn a quick look at her for sympathy; he was rather surprised at the grave, unsmiling face beside him. When, however, the old Jew staggered alone and almost blindly from the triumphantly smiling court-room, a little pinch on his arm decidedly startled him.

It lay along a north-and-south ridge, between a number of aged and unsmiling cottages, fronting on cinder sidewalks, and alternating irregularly with about as many larger homesteads that sat back in their well-shaded gardens with kindlier dignity and not so grim a self-assertion.

Once or twice before he had known prisoners like this, quiet, silent men who were never insolent, but whose eyes told him that the iron had seared their souls. The voice of the warden dropped briskly to business. "Seen the bookkeeper? Everything all right, I suppose." "Yes, sir." "Good. Well, wish you luck." "Thanks." The convict turned away, grave, unsmiling.

Rosek lit a cigarette but did not sit down. He struck even Fiorsen by his unsmiling pallor. "You had better look out for Mr. Wagge, Gustav; he came to me yesterday. He has no music in his soul." Fiorsen sat up. "Satan take Mr. Wagge! What can he do?" "I am not a lawyer, but I imagine he can be unpleasant the girl is young." Fiorsen glared at him, and said: "Why did you throw me that cursed girl?"

But he realized he had small hope of taking unawares this fat little smiling man with the unsmiling eyes and steady hand, and he was well convinced that the first doubtful movement he made would bring a bullet crashing through his brain.

"He knew them all, the big-wigs up in Parliament, the big-wigs on 'Change, the little duchesses in Mayfair, and they all liked him, asked him, dined him, and great Scott, they paid! Paid in hereditary jewels, or the shock to their decency when the thing came out but, poor devil, so did he!" And through it all Buller gloomed unsmiling, with out-thrust underlip.

Their rigadon, a square dance not unlike our lanciers, the Filipinos take very seriously, stepping through it with all the unsmiling dignity of our grandparents in the minuet.

To Canby he declared with a face that was unsmiling and solemn: "I 'low I got my share of nerve when it comes to a show-down, and I ain' no skim-milk runt, neither, but that nester he's a giant and hos-tile as they make 'em! He had me lookin' at my hole card from the outset." "Are you afraid of him?" Canby demanded, incredulously.