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It seemed to him that she was curiously quiet and restrained. But she kissed him in return, drew him further within the little passage, and shut the outer door, shivering. 'The kitchen's warm, she said, at last. She led him in, and he found the low-ceiled room bright with fire and lamp, the table spread, and his chair beside the blaze. Kneeling down, she tried to unlace his wet boots.

She removed her ear-rings and rings, and put them into the vase; but here reverie overtook her once more, and held her in a meditative half-smile, until consciousness revived, and startled the blood into her cheeks. She walked over to her little sofa, with dispatch and business in her step, and sat down to unlace her boots.

And our holidays won't be spoilt, and Aunt Pike won't know, and don't you think it's a perfectly splendid idea?" "Splendid," cried Kitty enthusiastically, dropping on to the floor and beginning to unlace her boots that very moment. "Oh, quickly let us make haste and change them; I cannot, cannot endure this torment a minute longer. O Betty, why didn't you think of it sooner?"

A few inches from the tips of my outstretched fingers were the prismatic tints with which the crystal daily registered the decline of the day; but not for all my striving and all my wit could I get within reach. They were as remote as the creating sun! The narrowness of the cleft forbade effort to reach down so that I might unlace my boots.

I am very sorry the peasant woman has given you that corset, as otherwise I might at least have seen my little pets without fear of bad dreams." "But you must not be angry with the good woman, for she knows that a corset is easy to unlace. And I cannot bear to see you sad." With these words she turned her ardent gaze upon me, and I covered her with kisses which she returned with interest.

Tosilos meanwhile was trying to unlace his helmet, and he begged them to come to his help at once, as his power of breathing was failing him, and he could not remain so long shut up in that confined space. They removed it in all haste, and his lacquey features were revealed to public gaze. At this sight Dona Rodriguez and her daughter raised a mighty outcry, exclaiming, "This is a trick!

'And women, said Paul, 'who are not worthy to unlace her shoes cold-shoulder her, and look at her with contempt. I dare cry the history of two or three on the housetops. 'And if you dared what good? Ralston asked. 'There is no God, cried Paul; 'there is no justice in the world. 'There is a God, said Ralston, 'and there is very little justice. Who are we that we should cry out for justice?

"I don't care if I do," she said, and she stooped to unlace her shoe, but one of the big girls threw herself on her knees at her feet to prevent her. Clementina remembered too late that there was a hole in her stocking and that her little toe came through it, but she now folded the toe artfully down, and the big girl discovered the hole in time to abet her attempt at concealment.

'That may be, said my mother, with the quiet irony peculiar to her; 'but so monstrous are the customs of England, Henry, so barbaric is this society you despise, that she, whose shoes no lady in the county is worthy to unlace, is in an anomalous position. Should she once again be seen talking familiarly with you, her character will have fled, and fled for ever.

"Slain? "I say," quoth Amyas, "some of you had better take him up, if he is to be of any use. Unlace his helm, Will Cary." "Pull his feet out of the embers; I dare say he would have been glad enough to put us to the scarpines; but that's no reason we should put him to them."