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At his hips hung two guns, spurs clinked when he stepped unguardedly. He rarely stepped that way, however. When presently the girl at the melodeon ceased and drew the lid over the keys with reverent fingers, he moved silently back a pace or two along the wall. Then he waited.

Until now I had thought that my benevolent host had here been my greatest friend; but there was another for whom, to my infinite surprise, I found that I felt far more intensely. Yet it was odd that, in her presence, I was apparently cold and inattentive, and thus, perhaps, it might have ever been, had she not unguardedly attracted my attention by what she meant for a severe rebuke.

Helen, by the way, have you mentioned to Violante the bond between us?" "No; that is, I fear I may have unguardedly betrayed it, against Lady Lansmere's commands too but but " "So, Lady Lansmere forbade you to name it to Violante? This should not be. I will answer for her permission to revoke that interdict. It is due to Violante and to you. Tell your young friend all.

The colonel had a narrow escape from irretrievably affronting this eminent professor of murder, by unguardedly enquiring whether he was in any way cognizant of a trifling robbery by which the colonel himself had been a sufferer.

I hope I have said enough to show that I wrote the few lines I devoted to M. Comte and his philosophy, neither unguardedly, nor ignorantly, still less maliciously.

Liseke whispered excitedly "It is a piano, and perhaps perhaps a stool. Try and find out from Max." "Maxy, dear," Hannah said, imploringly, "is it covered with plush?" "Why, how do you know?" Max cried, unguardedly, as he was finishing his sixth cookey. "I knew it, I knew it," Liseke gasped, wildly. "Does it make a noise if, well, say, if you bang on it?" Hannah cried, with a beating heart.

"With pleasure, and for what stakes?" returned Yorke, bending down to secure a strap which he felt loosen. "I meant but a trial of speed to the bridge there, where we cross the Minetta Water. A stake? Well, name it." "A knot of rose-colored ribbon," said Yorke softly. "Another!" cried Betty unguardedly, and could have promptly bitten her tongue for the betrayal of her thought.

Yet must we not own there was imprudence in permitting a young girl of Miss Darcy's beauty and expectations to be so unguardedly in the company of Willoughby? Forcibly indeed has that thought struck me more than once. Poor unfortunate parents! Let us hasten to condole with them."

"Because," said Honora, calmly, "I have a life to lead as well as you." "But you weren't satisfied until you got to Quicksands, and now you want to leave it." "I didn't bargain to stay here in the winter," she declared. "You know very well that if you were unfortunate it would be different. But you're quite prosperous." "How do you know?" he demanded unguardedly. "Quicksands tells me," she said.

"'One day, however, he unguardedly asked me to show him the portraits of the late and the present king. I answered that those that existed were so poor that I was waiting till better ones were taken before having them in my house. "'This answer, which did not satisfy him, called forth the request to be allowed to go to Dijon.