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He was penurious respecting money which he had to give from his own hand, yet inconsiderately and unboundedly profuse of that which he did not see.

She heard him with downcast eyes; and her cheeks flushed a pink color that was agreeable to contemplation. "Do do you really care for me, Jack?" she asked, softly; then cried, "No, no, you needn't answer because, of course, you worship me madly, unboundedly, distractedly. They all do, but you do it more convincingly.

They are either hysterical liars, deceivers, dissemblers, with a coolly-perverted mind and a sinuous dark soul; or else unboundedly self-denying, blindly devoted, foolish, naive animals, who know no bounds either in concessions or loss of self-esteem.

There were still many acquaintances, and more recent relations, but these had neither the charm nor the certainty of those which time had in various ways broken, brought to an end, or relaxed. His mother, the foundress of his destiny, had ceased to live some time before that. "Pauvre maman! pauvre maman!" How tenderly and unboundedly he had loved her.

He was thirty-one years of age, belonged to an ancient and powerful family, possessed vast wealth, had great personal beauty and attractive manners, but above all, was unboundedly ambitious, and grossly immoralthe most insolent, unprincipled, licentious, and selfish man that had thus far scandalized and adorned Athenian society.

Indeed, Monsieur de Frison, I am quite ready to admit that my niece is breaking her heart for you. The point on which I wish to dwell is that she weds Monsieur de Puysange early to-morrow morning." "Uncle," Matthiette cried, as she started to her feet, "such a marriage is a crime! I love Raoul!" "Undoubtedly," purred Sieur Raymond, "you love the lad unboundedly, madly, distractedly!

How much the fruit in God's garden is beautified by the process that ripens it. Jack labored anxiously to convert his sister; and as she could not read at all, the whole controversy was carried on by signs. Mary was excessively mirthful, Jack unboundedly earnest; and when her playful reproaches roused his Irish blood, the scene was often very comic.

She saw clearly how well she loved him, and it seemed folly to try and conceal it. As she sat by his side she was unboundedly happy, as she had never been in her life before: the cool morning breeze fanned her cheeks, and the music of his low voice soothed her, while the delicious sense of rapid motion lent a thrill of pleasure to every breath she drew.

She could not be certain what was the matter, but she saw that something was wrong. At times, Hester's manner was so unboundedly affectionate, that it was impossible to suppose that unkind feelings existed towards herself; though a few pettish words were at other times let drop. Hester's moods of magnanimity and jealousy were accounted for in other ways by her sister.

Not every one who can serve unboundedly can endure patiently; and the more gentle some natures, the more they resent the rudeness which springs from an opposite nature; absolutely courteous, they flame at discourtesy, and thus lack of the perfection to which patience would and must raise them.