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Parson Chichester drove on with a pucker between the eyebrows and a humorous twitch in the corners of his mouth. So when two pedestrians, strangers, meet and politely attempt to draw aside but with misdirected chasses that leave them still confronting one another, they disengage at length and go their ways between irritation and amusement.

We should say, "Let him twitch, as long as he doesn't burn down the house." The doctor may say, "He has that look in the eyes, and he may take the hatchet and brain you all." But we do not object to the look in the eyes as such; we object to consequences which, once come, we should all call insane if there were no doctors in the world.

"I found this, sir," said he, "close by where you was a-lyin'." So Ravenslee took the button upon his palm, and, as he eyed it, the Spider saw his black brows twitch suddenly together, then he yawned. "And you found this in the wood, Joe?" he enquired sleepily. "I did, sir.

An' then what happened? Hal Purvis jest flashed a gun and that feller shot it out'n his hand. I never seen a draw like that. His hand jest seemed to twitch I couldn't follow the move he made an' the next second his gun went off." He stared at Lee with a sort of fascinated horror. "Silent," said Haines, "can you explain how the lightning comes down out of the sky?" "Of course not."

Now there was something like a petition in Zygfried's voice, and at the same time it seemed as he lowered his voice as though his petition contained some important and terrible secret. "Merciful Christ!... If thou art not condemned, give a sign, move thy hand, or give one twitch of the eye, for my old heart is groaning within my breast.... Give a sign, I loved thee, say one word!..."

"Hasn't he reformed?" said Clover; "he writes as if he had." "Reformed!" cried Imogen, with a toss of the jingling ear-rings. "He was always just as good as he could be!" There was nothing to be said in reply to this. Katy felt her lips twitch, and for fear she should be rude, and laugh out, she began to talk as fast as she could about something else.

And the Mavering papers are very pretty, and you can live with them without becoming anaemic, or having your face twitch." "Face twitch?" echoed Mrs. Pasmer. "Yes; arsenical poisoning." "Oh! Conscientious as well as aesthetic. I see. And does Mr. Mavering put his artistic temperament into them?" "His father does. He's a very interesting man.

The toast stuck between the bars, and she caught a glimpse of an angry twitch that upset the rack with a clatter. Never before had she seen the master do a thing of that kind. A little later the library bell called her. Mr.

He could still feel the clinging pressure of her round, bare arms against his neck, and he once more gave his shoulders a twitch. Three cigarettes he smoked, staring at a warped board in the stall partition opposite him.

In the recesses of churches, his knees chilled by the pavement, he would once more experience the delights of the past, and his muscles would twitch, and his brain would whirl deliciously, and the satisfaction of the obscure necessities of his existence would be the same as of old. On the evening of the final rupture Mignon presented himself at the house in the Avenue de Villiers.