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Void vostre galand! a moi pour recompence Vous pouvez faire une humble et douce reverence! Adieu, l'evenement trompe un peu mes souhaits; Mais tous les amoureux ne sont pas satisfaits." GRAND DUKE OF NOUMARIA, formerly LOUIS DE SOYECOURT, tormented beyond measure with the impertinences of life. COMTE DE CHATEAUROUX, cousin to the Grand Duchess, and complies with circumstance.

I should be the first to say 'qu'on se trompe, but unfortunately I was an eye-witness, and was also on the commission of inquiry. Everything proved that it was really he, the very same soldier Kolpakoff who had been given the usual military funeral to the sound of the drum. It is of course a most curious case nearly an impossible one. I recognize that... but "

Le bruit est pour le fat. La plainte est pour le sot. L'honnête homme trompé S'en va et ne dit mot. "And so you cannot persuade Miss Gresley to come to us next week?" said Lord Newhaven, strolling into the dining-room at Westhope Abbey, where Rachel and Dick were sitting at a little supper-table laid for two in front of the high altar.

"Gage d'amitie?" said her ladyship; and she walked up and down the room, humming the air of an old French song; interrupting herself now and then to ask her sister if she could recollect the words. "The refrain, if I remember right, is something like this Sous le nom d'amitie sous le nom d'amitie, La moitie du monde trompe l'autre moitie, Sous le nom, sous le nom, sous le nom d'amitie.

"Yes," she answered with her gay nod. "I will remember." "Then good-bye, mademoiselle." "Madame," she corrected lightly. "Madame, my cousin," he said, and departed smiling. Desiree went slowly upstairs again. Quand on se mefie on se trompe, quand on ne se mefie pas, on est trompe. Charles Darragon had come to Dantzig a year earlier.

'M. de Vauversin Madame Fontaine et M. Robinet Les plongeurs a cheval Le Mari mecontent Tais-toi, gamin Mon voisin l'original Heureux comme ca Comme on est trompe. They made a stage at one end of the salle-a-manger. And what a sight it was to see M. de Vauversin, with a cigarette in his mouth, twanging a guitar, and following Mademoiselle Ferrario's eyes with the obedient, kindly look of a dog!

On y admirera sur tout le courage de Rubruquis, qui ne craint pas de déclarer assez ouvertement au roi que David étoit un imposteur qui l'avoit trompé. Mais Louis avoit le fanatisme du prosélytisme et des conversions; et c'est-l

The serious Parisian, then, sees "un autre monsieur;" as it proves anon, there had been a divorce in the history of the lady, but the later widower is not yet aware of this, and explains to himself the presence of "un monsieur" in his own place by that weighty phrase, "Il s'est trompe de defunte."