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Somehow, at that awful time of the train-wreck, when we were in the icy water, Una and I, before the boy came, the big boy who saved us, through through all the 'horripilation', as he called it, I seemed to see a light; the the Light of Light Eternal, as we sing God and I knew, oh-h!

"Oh! he's the nicest and the hor-rid-est boy I ever saw," wailed Una, in tribute to the train-wreck, still a nightmare on her mind. Both girls were dumfounded, as well they might be.

There was a train-wreck in the Land of Yesterday. Mr Ferguson, the only survivor, limped back into the Present. The Present had little charm, but at least it was better than the cakeless Future. He fixed his thoughts on it. He wondered how Master Bean was passing the time. Probably doing deep-breathing exercises, or reading a pocket Aristotle. The girl pushed back her chair and rose.

"Oh, dear! wouldn't his horn be exalted if he never came back?" With a droll little catch of the breath. "Una and I are as friendly as ever now, Dad," ran on the girlish voice, hurriedly leading off from the neighborhood of the will. "And she's to be taken out of school early, when we go, because she has been so nervous since the train-wreck.

He circled to avoid an April puddle, she saw him clearly through the broad library window, at a distance of some fifty yards, beyond a flight of marble steps and a graveled entrance. A queer little shiver, a horrid little shiver a snowflake in summer drifted down her spine! The figure had an icy background. She had seen it before amid the terrors of that February train-wreck.

She's a distant cousin of my mother's, a queer woman who lost her husband and three children in a train-wreck years ago, and has been a little bit crazy ever since. She has always worn, for instance, exactly the same kind of clothes, hat and everything, that she had on, the day the news was brought to her.

"I don't like to think of that 'diddering' cold of empty space; not not since the train-wreck. I'm like the big boy who saved us then, and was so jolly; I'm out for excitement if I'm warm enough to enjoy it, eh?" "Humph! Well, here's somebody who's willing to take a chance on carrying his warmth, his fun too, with him into space."

But all this, as the girl passionately told herself, was an everyday trick, just a paper pellet thrown at one beside the overwhelming blow of the loss of her father's record. And he who could quote Shakespeare upon "Something rotten in the state of Denmark", amid the horrors of a zero train-wreck, who "liked his excitement warm", had a sense of humor.

Yet her lively imagination failed altogether to anticipate the real catastrophe. Harmon, the fireman lodger, passing through the kitchen on his way out to work, had paused to tell Saxon about the previous day's train-wreck in the Alviso marshes, and of how the engineer, imprisoned under the overturned engine and unhurt, being drowned by the rising tide, had begged to be shot.

Last time it was in the ice-box," snapped she, as coolly, not to be outdone. "So you did remember know me us!" "How could I help remembering that icy train-wreck?" He was slipping the rope in a noose under her arms. "Perhaps, some day.... Well! I'm glad to be 'Jack at a Pinch' again, anyway." "R-ready!" he shouted then. And Pem was drawn up, to face a Highland squall from Andrew.