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From the mixture of English and Italian that followed, it was apparent that she was accusing Jimmy of having stolen her baby. "Take me to him," she demanded tragically; "my baby take me to him!" Jimmy appealed to Aggie and Zoie. Their faces were as blank as his own. He glanced at Alfred.

My bath was broken off, sooner than I had intended, by the appearance of one of the kitchen-boys, who asked for me so tragically and so urgently and was so positive that no one else would suffice, that I went down into the kitchen in a towering rage at being interrupted and wondering why on earth I could be needed.

Elsie was seated at the table engaged in informing the diary of the latest family event, and she turned a look of such sympathetic sorrow upon the new-comer, that Lilias felt that here, at last, she had found a friend in need. "My heart is broken, Elsie!" she sobbed tragically. "Every one has turned against me. Father mother Nan they are all cruel to me. Their words cut into my heart!

I sat down and stared at that neatly folded pile of baby-clothes two feet high, a layer-cake of whites and faded blues and pinks. I stared at it, and began to gulp tragically, wallowing in a wave of self-pity. I felt so sorry for myself that I let my flat-iron burn a hole clean through the ironing-sheet, without even smelling it.

One read of those things in the papers; they had always seemed to concern a people apart, to be pitied, but not understood, much less reached. Overwhelming that one who had wished to kill one's self should be enjoying anything! That a door so tragically shut should open to so simple a knock! Mere human voice reach that incomprehensible outermost brink!

And there was always the noise of wind which became a corollary of his pain, pulsing with it, never quiet, an overtone that tragically would not yield.

For heaven's sake," he tragically adjured her, "don't tell me there isn't a copy of it left!" Miss Anson was trembling slightly. "I don't think I understand what you mean," she faltered, less bewildered by his vehemence than by the strange sense of coming on an unexplored region in the very heart of her dominion. "Why, his account of the amphioxus, of course!

"I don't know," laughed Eve, "but the color is very becoming, dear." "But I shouldn't want Mr. Herrick to think " "He won't," replied Eve, soothingly. "No matter how intoxicated you got, I'm sure he is too much of a gentleman to think any such thing." "Any such thing as what?" "Why, what you said." "But I hadn't said!" declared Miss Mullett, sinking tragically onto the couch.

No, no, she did not respect him; no, she did not take him seriously. "But of course I do. Why don't I? Condy Rivers, what's got into you NOW?" "No, no; I know it. I can tell. You don't take me seriously. You don't respect me." "But why?" "Make a blooming buffoon of myself," he mumbled tragically. In great distress Travis labored to contradict him.

If you could go out like the flame of a candle, well and good! the world would probably be well rid of you if you were going through life tragically, longing for death, but you will not "wear out" in consequence of carelessness about wet feet and want of sleep, and over-fatigue, and fancifulness about eating.