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Now she not only refused to listen to his demand for an early marriage, but hampered and annoyed him in a hundred ways. As he walked the silent night he was forced to acknowledge that she had been right in delaying their union. And yet how dependent upon him she was. Her life was so tragically inwound with his that to think of shaking away her hand seemed the act of a sordid egoist.

He'd see to his own rights." What was that in the shaking hands beneath the cap? Christopher's eyes, still on the tragically foul face, never dropped to catch the metallic gleam; his whole mind lay in dragging out the truth entangled in the wild words.

Some malignant presence haunted the ship; I could not doubt this; yet I remained passive, sunk in a lethargy of sorrow. We were scheduled to reach Port Said at about eight o'clock in the evening, but by reason of the delay occasioned so tragically, I learned that in all probability we should not arrive earlier than midnight, whilst passengers would not go ashore until the following morning.

Such, in their bare outline, were the awful evidences of that retributive justice which so tragically afflicted ‘Abdu’l-‘Azíz, his successors, his throne and his dynasty. What of Náṣiri’d-Dín Sháh, the other partner in that imperial conspiracy which sought to extirpate, root and branch, the budding Faith of God?

There are some women to whom a haggard look is becoming; she is one of them. She was much thinner than when I last saw her; instead of her former restless, petulant, suspicious expression, she now looked tragically sad. "May I trouble you to close the door?" said she, when the servant had withdrawn. I closed the door.

Never was political or social formula less divorced from fact, never was the mass of our civilization better welded and in spite of all this the thing did not endure. By the middle of the fourteenth century the decaying of the flower was tragically apparent.

But Sylvia drew herself up, full an inch above him, and replied, decidedly, but with perfect good nature, "No, those violets are a message from Shakespeare, one does not give such away." "That is Monty Bell," said Miss Lavinia, tragically, as soon as the door closed. "Is there anything the matter with him except that his colouring is like a summer squash?" I asked.

Pudding Brook proper was, however, a little muddy stream that flowed or oozed along the district named and finally emptied itself into the old moat not far from St. Martin's Church. Vaughton's Hole, to my juvenile mind, was represented by a deep pool in the River Rea, where something direful took place, in which a Mr. Vaughton was tragically concerned.

And Polly rose and stalked tragically up and down the room, with her fingers buried in her curls. Molly surveyed her in pity; then she rose to meet the emergency like a heroine. "I'm not going to go home one single step, Polly," she declared. "I'll stay here and help you through with it." "But you'll starve, Molly," remonstrated her hostess tearfully. "Nonsense!" responded Molly.

Amidst the deep quietude, the great sense of comfort which had followed their violent emotion, the brothers found an infinite charm in being together once more in the home of their childhood.* It was there that both their father and mother had died the father tragically, struck down by an explosion in his laboratory; the mother piously, like a very saint.