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And in the midst of it stood the camp, with its reek of obscenity, foul odors, and tobacco smoke, to which a tortured soul must return. The following Saturday afternoon, as Ridgeley and Field entered the office, Williams rose to meet them. He looked different finer some way, Field imagined. At any rate, he was perfectly sober.

Breen being left there with their own five suffering children and the four other poor, moaning little waifs, were tortured by situations too heart-rending for description, too pitiful to seem true. Suffice it to relate that Mrs. Breen shared with baby Graves the last lump of loaf sugar and the last drops of tea, of that which she had denied herself and had hoarded for her own babe.

And with Count Anteoni and the priest she set another figure, that of the sand-diviner, whose tortured face had suggested a man looking on a fate that was terrible. Had not he, too, warned her? Had not the warning been threefold, been given to her by the world, the Church, and the under-world the world beneath the veil? She met Androvsky's eyes. He was getting up to leave the room.

"Infamous!" murmured Madame de Belliere, tortured by her friend's merciless delight. "M. Fouquet, I should think, must certainly have four millions," she replied, courageously. "If he has those which the king requires to-day," said Marguerite, "he will not, perhaps, possess those which the king will demand in a month or so." "The king will exact money from him again, then?"

At this revelation he started up, stung with hate as well as love, and his tortured mind rebelled furiously. He repeated his vow that this should never be; and soon a scheme came into his head to prevent it; but it was a project so wild and dangerous that, even as his heated brain hatched it, his cooler judgment said, "Fly, madman, fly! or this love will destroy you!"

Many, many things, that appear most important while we walk the busy street, lose all their interest the moment we are borne into the quiet graveyard which borders it. For my own part, my spirit had not become so mixed up with earthly existence, as to be now held in an unnatural combination, or tortured much with retrospective cares.

Bombardment, the Boche text-books say, "is designed to terrify the civil population so that they may put pressure on their politicians to conclude peace." In real life, men are very rarely soothed by the sight of their women being tortured. We took tea in the hall upstairs, with a propriety and an interchange of compliments that suited the little occasion.

The chief had said nothing to me about Piomingo, and I now felt satisfied that it was the intention of his people to sacrifice him with the rest of the prisoners. I resolved, however, to plead for him, as well as for them, and make special endeavours to save the life of the young squaw. According to the savage Indian custom, she would be barbarously tortured before being put to death.

One young Englishman, who had a bullet in his thigh, cried out in pain when the surgeon was probing for it. The German doctor sarcastically remarked, "Oh, I thought the English were brave." To which the young fellow, lifting his tortured face, proudly answered, "The English are brave and merciful and they use chloroform for painful operations, and do this for the German prisoners, too."

Slower and slower we arose. Now the gap was but a yard off but we were motionless were tottering! Drake's arms wrapped round me. With a tremendous effort he hurled me into the portal. I dropped at its edge, writhed swiftly around, saw him slipping, slipping down thrust my hands out to him. He caught them. There came a wrench that tortured my arm sockets as though racked. But he held!