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During one of his journeyings inland, when staying at a Japanese tea-house, he was initiated into the use of Japanese tooth-powder, which is in pretty general use among the lower classes. On leaving Japan he purchased and brought to England a considerable quantity of this tooth-powder, and on settling down in London he discovered a Japanese shop where it was on sale.

O ye mothers who from year to year see your sons launched forth upon the perils of the world, and who are so careful with your good advice, with under flannel shirting, with books of devotion and tooth-powder, does it never occur to you that provision should be made for amusement, for dancing, for parties, for the excitement and comfort of women's society?

It was this fact which had induced the gallant and obliging Colonel Lopez to attack it, for, as he explained to his American friends, if any place outside of Habana was likely to contain pickles, jam, sardines, candy, tooth-powder, and such other delicacies as appeared necessary to the contentment of a visiting American lady, San Antonio de los Banos was the one.

Jiuyémon, who had secreted in his girdle the two hundred and fifty ounces which he had brought with him from home, bought a small house, and started in trade as a vendor of perfumes, tooth-powder, combs, and other toilet articles; and Kajiki Tozayémon, who treated him with great kindness, and rendered him many services, prompted him, as he was a single man, to take to himself a wife.

You can carry it in your hip-pocket, and you can cut down a tree with it. One medicine case containing quinine, calomel, and Sun Cholera Mixture in tablets. Toilet-case for razors, tooth-powder, brushes, and paper. Folding bath-tub of rubber in rubber case. These are manufactured to fold into a space little larger than a cigar-box. Two towels old, and soft. Three cakes of soap.

"If Peg is a witch it must be the Other One she's in co. with." "Dan, it's getting to be simply scandalous the way you talk," said Felicity. "I just wish ma could hear you." "Is soap in porridge any worse than tooth-powder in rusks, lovely creature?" asked Dan. "Dan, Dan," admonished Cecily, between her coughs, "remember it's Sunday." "It seems hard to remember that," said Peter.

See this box " and he now began to praise the tooth-powder and cure for toothache he had invented. Next he passed to the head, and described in vivid colors, its various pains. But they too were to be cured, people need only buy his arcanum. It was to be had for a trifle, and whoever bought it could sweep away every headache, even the worst, as with a broom.

All of a suddent, with no more warnin' than a streak of lightnin', she burst out cryin'. 'Oh, oh, oh! says she, 'how I have been deceived in men! Then to relieve her feelin's she got to work with both hands. "There was a genuine Sand-hill cloudburst of hair-brushes and combs, porous plasters, tooth-powder, tooth-brushes, pomade, soap, Jew's-harps, playin'-cards and the old Boy knows what all.

ANXIOUS INQUIRER: We don't know anything that will take the stain out of a silk dress when a soft-boiled egg is dropped on it. Better not wear your silk dress so often, especially when boiling eggs. Ginger tea is good for colds. OLD HOUSEKEEPER: Yes, when the baking-powder gives out you can use tooth-powder instead. Our apples are not keeping well this year.

Hard brushes and gritty powders ruin more teeth than all the sugar and lime in the world. Charcoal is undoubtedly a good substitute for a tooth-powder; but it is to be objected to as leaving black furrows in the gums, which even much washing fails to remove in any reasonable time. This is a good deal obviated when it forms but a part of the article used.