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It is irritating to discover, when you are dressing in a hurry, that he has put your studs into the upper flap of your shirt front; but I am not sure it does not try your patience more to find out, as you brush your teeth, that he has replenished your tooth-powder box from a bottle of Gregory's mixture. But Dhobie day is his opportunity.

Camphor ought never to be used as an ingredient of tooth-powder, it makes the teeth brittle. Camphor certainly has the effect of making the teeth, for a time, look very white; but it is an evanescent beauty.

He turned page after page and showed her the tapering goddesses of the straight front, the tooth-powder, the camera, the breakfast-food, the massage-cream, and the hair-tonic. "These are what you call beautiful women?" she asked. "These are about the limit." "Then in your country I would not be considered hideous, would I?" "Hideous?

Your Cousin Myra broke the bottle her tooth-powder was in when she was here last winter and I gave her that old can to keep it in. She forgot to take it when she went away and I put it on that top shelf. I declare you must all have been bewitched yesterday." Poor, poor Felicity!

From tooth-powder to tea-trays from spring-mattrasses to fictitious mineral waters from French blacking to the Widow Welch’s Pills all have their separate votaries; and it would be difficult to conceive any real or imaginary want unsupplied in this prolific age of contrivance.

"God be praised! I know where there is a goat, not two leagues away!" said the colonel. "But I don't want a goat," Norine complained. "I want well, pickles, and jam, and sardines, and candy, and tooth-powder! Real boarding-school luxuries. I'd just like to rob a general store." Lopez furrowed his brows and lost himself in thought.

His dressing-case was poor, not a particle of silver stopper, bottle apertures with nothing in 'em, like empty little dog-kennels, and a most searching description of tooth-powder diffusing itself around, as under a deluded mistake that all the chinks in the fittings was divisions in teeth. His clothes I parted with, well enough, to a second-hand dealer not far from St.

What shall we do with our daughters? or our sons? or our criminals? or our paupers? or ourselves? Female franchise. Republicanism. Which is the best soap? or tooth-powder? Is Morris's printing really good? Is the race progressing? Is our navy fit? Should dynamite be used in war? or in peace? What persons should be buried in Westminster Abbey? Origin of every fairy-tale.

But whatever you do, Lammle, don't don't don't, I beg of you ever fall into the hands of Pubsey and Co. in the next room, for they are grinders. Regular flayers and grinders, my dear Lammle, repeated Fledgeby with a peculiar relish, 'and they'll skin you by the inch, from the nape of your neck to the sole of your foot, and grind every inch of your skin to tooth-powder.

"She does those things constantly," said the dejected father. "I don't see what I can do to her." I saw, however, and did it, first wiping the tooth-powder from her face. She had called me Uncle Maje. "She's a regular baddix," announced my namesake, gravely judicial.