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The father and mother may, perhaps, exchange a few words on the subject when alone together some evening, but they speak in hushed tones for even walls have ears. The father says, with bated breath: "You've heard of that terrible affair in the Rivoil family?" And the mother answers: "Who would have dreamed of such a thing? It's dreadful."

"Had you any more experiences of the kind you have just related, Uncle Jabez?" he asked, in tones of such deep respect and lively interest that Uncle Jabez responded, with gratifying promptness,

As the lower animals feel in the air the signs of a coming storm, so these savages felt, by some kindred intuition, that a mysterious convulsion of Nature was at hand. They talked in low tones, they were subdued in manner; any one coming suddenly upon them would have been impressed by the air of uneasiness and apprehension that everywhere prevailed.

"And how have you fared?" inquired the captain, whom I found luxuriously reclining in our mound of litter. And the accent on the pronoun, the heightened colour of the speaker's face, and the contained excitement in his tones, advertised me at once that I had not been alone to make discoveries. Nares seemed to take it mighty quietly. "That so?" said he.

You try to putty it up and you get soaked. Go over there in the far corner, where the tank is; we don't want water running into this Quaker scene." "Oh, I get all wet; do I?" asked Mr. Sneed, in no very pleasant tones. "That's what you do!" "Well, all I've got to say is that I wish you'd give some of these tank dramas to someone else. I'm getting tired of being soaked."

"Aye, well, good Master Paddy," replied Jem Bottles, oppressed and sullen, but still in a voice ironic from suspicion, "I never doubt me but what you are a regular clerk for deep learning, but you have not yet read a line from the paper, and I have been waiting this half-hour." "And how could I be reading?" cried Paddy in tones of indignation.

"And can she," I said, almost without being conscious that I spoke, "suppose that is possible?" "All may be forgotten," said the extraordinary female who addressed me, "all but the sense of dishonour, and the desire of vengeance." "Seid suas!"* cried the MacGregor, stamping with impatience. * "Strike up." The bagpipes sounded, and with their thrilling and jarring tones cut short our conference.

The woman glared, for there was a terrible significance in his tones, and she shouted: "Down him and make sure." Alas! the arrangements fortunately were run on seconds, not minutes, or our hero would have been a dead man. As the woman shouted "Down him!" there came a second, voice, stern and commanding: "Hold! don't let a man move or every soul of you dies."

You made me supervisor, yet the others go to him and obey him." Three weeks later Kumar was complaining to our guru. I overheard him from an adjoining room. "That's why I assigned him to the kitchen and you to the parlor." Sri Yukteswar's withering tones were new to Kumar. "In this way you have come to realize that a worthy leader has the desire to serve, and not to dominate.

"Pull yourself together," said the Professor, "or you'll get hysterical. Have some more beer. I'll join you." "You haven't drunk your milk," said Syme. "My milk!" said the other, in tones of withering and unfathomable contempt, "my milk! Do you think I'd look at the beastly stuff when I'm out of sight of the bloody anarchists?