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When I had brought down my lesson to the lowest level of my dullest pupil's capacity when I had shown myself the mildest, the most tolerant of masters a word of impertinence, a movement of disobedience, changed me at once into a despot. I offered then but one alternative submission and acknowledgment of error, or ignominious expulsion.

It was very hard. The 'ideal' did feel the want if not of legs of a certain tolerant allowance for human laws on the part of her worshipper; but he was remorselessly reverential, both by instinct and of necessity. Women are never quite so mad in sentimentalism as men.

The Church had become respectable, comfortable, sensible, temperate, liberal; jealous about the forms of its creeds, equally jealous of its secular rights, interested in the discussion of subordinate questions, and becoming more and more tolerant of differences; ready for works of benevolence and large charity, in sympathy with the agricultural poor, open-handed in its gifts; a willing fellow-worker with society in kindly deeds, and its accomplice in secularity.

"He can supply the press with odious personal paragraphs, spread calumnies at the clubs, and write scratch-cat criticisms on the book when it appears," Angelica said. "There are plenty of people who will listen to that kind of man, and take their opinions from him." "But what does it matter," said Beth in her tolerant way. "All you whom I love and respect will judge me and my work for yourselves.

"And leave me," she pouted prettily, "with no word but that, my king? Am I not worth a caress not even when I beg for it?" He smiled down at her, tolerant and amused, and impulsively caught her to him. "The point's well taken," he said. "Decidedly you're worth it, Naraini. And if you were not, the show was!" And he kissed and left her, all in a breath.

We had but the one interest in common: each of us who had any skill with his fingers passed the hours of his captivity in the making of little toys and articles of Paris; and the prison was daily visited at certain hours by a concourse of people of the country, come to exult over our distress, or it is more tolerant to suppose their own vicarious triumph.

"Will you take me to the round-up to-morrow?" I asked of the 'WB' boss. "Well, I could have a team hitched up, and Bob could drive you to the Black Nob Hill, where you can get a good view," was the tolerant reply. Bob had wrenched his foot the day before, when roping a steer, and was therefore incapacitated for anything but 'woman's work' 'a soft job.

He impressed the popular fancy, especially in Paris, where he was best known, as erratic: as once when, by a stroke of financial sleight-of-hand, he got the young Government of Russia into a tight place, then refused them a loan, except on condition of the lease to him of the Kremlin: and for three months squalid old Moscow was the most cometary Court anywhere acts savouring of a meteorite waywardness which impressed him, more than anything, upon the everyday world; and he won a tolerant wonder.

Far from evincing a tolerant spirit towards the Roman Catholics, when it was in their power, they even oppressed the Calvinists; who indeed just as little deserved toleration, since they were unwilling to practise it. For such a peace the times were not yet ripe the minds of men not yet sufficiently enlightened. How could one party expect from another what itself was incapable of performing?

His accession may be regarded, then, as an era of deliverance for the people of Israel who have set up their tents in Rome. Europe, which sees things from afar, naturally supposes that under so tolerant a sway as that of Pius IX., Jews have thronged from all parts of the world into the Papal States. But see how paradoxical a science is that of statistics.