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"And I'm going to make a new bathing suit for my rubber doll," said Rose. "What are you two going to do?" and she looked at Margy and Mun Bun, who were toddling along hand-in-hand. "We's goin' in swimming'," said Mun Bun. "He means wading with his shoes and stockings off," said Vi. "He asked mother if he could, and she said yes." "Did she say Margy could, too?" asked Rose. "Yes. Both of 'em."

And you with that man he's old enough to be your father a toddling dote, hanging on your apron strings. I don't see how you dare show your face to a decent woman!" It was Elfie's turn now to lose her temper. She rose, flushed with anger. "You don't, eh?" she cried hotly. "But you did once, and I never caught you hanging your head. You say he's old. I know he's old, but he's good to me.

Somehow those few scrawled words had flung swiftly before her, like a picture on a screen, a vision of her baby toddling uncertainly across the porch of the white bungalow. And she could not bear to think of that!

And in all these pleasures it was his delight to have Caterina as his companion, to call her little pet names, answer her wondering questions, and have her toddling after him as you may have seen a Blenheim spaniel trotting after a large setter. Whenever Maynard went back to school, there was a little scene of parting. 'You won't forget me, Tina, before I come back again?

But delightful as these are, with their fairy tree-tops, paper houses, and toddling, infantile inhabitants, the pleasure they give is of a kind quite different from the joy and energy of the gargoyles. Some have even been so shallow and illiterate as to maintain that our pleasure in medieval building is a mere pleasure in what is barbaric, in what is rough, shapeless, or crumbling like the rocks.

"I don't want to be tied up in a boat," protested, Margery, at once. "Mardy not in boat," chorused little Patience, toddling to the water's edge and throwing in a handful of sand. "Isn't she a love!" sighed Margery. "Huh, you girls make me sick," snorted Kent. "We won't tie you in the boat.

Virginia, with her little class to teach, and her responsibilities when the children were in the refectory and dormitory, was a changed creature, busy, important, absorbed. She showed the toddling Olivers the playroom and conservatory, and sent them home with their fat hands full of flowers.

Homely enough angels, though, they proved, as angels unaware should prove: one man and two women from "Queensland way," who had been "inside" for fifteen years, and with them two fine young lads and a wee, toddling baby all three children born in the bush and leaving it for the first time.

"On this water, I'm the squatter that'll rob you right. You'll count your cattle to me and pay the bill in advance. This cool, shaded water in the Beaver is worth three cents a head, and I'll count you down to a toddling calf and your wagon mules. Your drafts are refused honor at the Beaver banks nothing but the long green passes currency here.

Clive!" from half a dozen little voices roused him, and presently as many little Newcomes came toddling down the stairs, and this one clung round his knees, and that at the skirts of his coat, and another took his hand and said, he must come and walk with them on the beach.