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Anita Richmond had accepted the druggist's challenge. She was approaching in a stranger-like manner a ticket of some sort held before her. "Pardon me," she began, "but would you care to buy a ticket?" "To to what?" It was all Fairchild could think of to say. "To the Old Timers' Dance. It's a sort of municipal thing, gotten up by the bureau of mines to celebrate the return of silver mining."

They emerged from the office as we drew up. At sight of them the cowboys stopped, and we moved forward alone. For here were the substantial men of this part of the territory, the old timers, who had come in the early days and who had persisted through the Indian wars, the border forays, the cattle rustlings, through drought and enmity and bad years.

William whisked out of the kitchen, pretending not to see the tears that were falling over Aunty Nan's withered pink cheeks. Aunty Nan was really getting very childish, Mrs. William reflected, as she marched down to the shore field. Why, she cried now about every little thing! And such a notion to want to go to the Old Timers' concert at Kensington and be so set on it!

"Every time I cook a meal," he went on, chuckling, "I think about the time Flour Sack Jim hired out to wrastle grub for that Englishman. Flour Sack was one of your real old timers, rough and ready, with a heart as big as a bucket, but he wouldn't bend his knee to no man livin'. The English jasper was all kinds of a swell, with money enough to burn a wet dog.

"Oh, Jordan," sobbed Aunty Nan, who was not above telling her troubles to the hired help, although Mrs. William thought she ought to be, "I can't go to Kensington to-morrow night to hear little Joscelyn sing at the Old Timers' concert. Maria says I can't." "That's too bad," said Jordan. "Old cat," he muttered after the retreating and serenely unconscious Mrs. William.

I saw the little, bent, thin old man, with one arm, hobbling round and round with his cane. Conversation was not permitted under the rules, but the rule was often overlooked. After I had gained an outline of his story from some old timers, I spoke to him, and he looked up at me with a pair of singularly intelligent brown eyes, and with a kindly expression of his meager little face.

Of course, the visiting players don't usually bring back the memory of the games when they awaken in the morning Well, maybe some fragmented dreams but that doesn't detract from the game or the great fun we have. Those young whippersnappers think they'll show us old timers a thing or two, but boy, do they get a run for their money!"

When the news reached the boys in the Strip, they dubbed this one vote "Seigerman's Per Cent," meaning the worst of anything, and that expression became a byword on the range, from Brownsville, Texas, to the Milk River in Montana. The evening before the Cherokee Strip was thrown open for settlement, a number of old timers met in the little town of Hennessey, Oklahoma.

Berande has been very unfortunate. All the old- timers shake their heads at it. They say it has what you Americans call a hoodoo on it." "Berande will succeed," Joan said stoutly. "I like to laugh at superstition. You'll pull through and come out the big end of the horn. The ill luck can't last for ever. I am afraid, though, the Solomons is not a white man's climate." "It will be, though.

Here a surprise awaited them, for making free use of their coffee pot and one of their frying pans was a man, cooking a meal over their camp fire. "That chap seems to be making himself right at home in our camp, doesn't he, Garry," remarked Phil. "So he does, but that is the way of many of the old timers in the woods.