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In the meantime the ground swell that followed each submersion resembled a tidal wave as it rolled down upon us and threatened to engulf us. But the Ancon rode like a duck I can not consistently say swan in this case, and heaved to starboard and to larboard in picturesque and thoroughly nautical fashion.

The sun helps to raise the tides and some day they may be used to produce power. Many experiments are being made with both solar and tidal energy, some of them successful in a small way, but nothing that is ready to stand the test of every-day use has been devised.

The wild and angry emotions of sorrow and pain leave the strong and noble heart of man like the tidal waves leave the scattered rocks of the shore. As the rocks, when the waves return to their depths, smile securely in the glistening sun in the sky, so does the brave, free heart of man, when the passionate deluge is spent, smile serenely in the face of God.

Some three years ago the writer formed one of the crew of a little steamer of fifty tons named the Jenny Lind, which was sent out along the coast in the endeavour to revive the coast whaling industry. Through stress of weather we had frequently to make a dash for shelter, towing our sole whaleboat, to one of the many tidal rivers on the coast between Sydney and Gabo Island.

A few men ran round by the wharf and escaped on the tidal flats of the St Charles. But, after a hurried consultation, the main body, including Morgan, laid down their arms. This was decisive. The British had won the fight. The complete British loss in killed and wounded was wonderfully small, only thirty, just one-tenth of the corresponding American loss, which was large out of all proportion.

He had his little letter-tray in his hand, with a card on it, and a sheet of paper beside the card, which looked like an open letter. "You know where my courier lives when he is in London? asked Lady Janet. "Yes, my lady." "Send one of the grooms to him on horseback; I am in a hurry. The courier is to come here without fail to-morrow morning in time for the tidal train to Paris. You understand?"

There can be no doubt that the land round the Bay of Concepcion was upraised two or three feet; but it deserves notice, that owing to the wave having obliterated the old lines of tidal action on the sloping sandy shores, I could discover no evidence of this fact, except in the united testimony of the inhabitants, that one little rocky shoal, now exposed, was formerly covered with water.

There are two poems by George Sterling that I have had in mind for many a day as conceptions that should inspire mystic films akin to them. These poems are The Night Sentries and Tidal King of Nations. But California can tell us stories that are grim children of the tales of the wild Ambrose Bierce. Then there is the lovely unforgotten Nora May French and the austere Edward Rowland Sill.

Even after a forced expiration the lungs are almost half full; the air which remains is called the residual air. The air which is expelled from the lungs by a forced expiration, less the tidal air, is called the reserve, or supplemental, air. These several quantities are easily estimated. At the same time the carbon dioxide which is being formed at the cells passes into the blood.

It rushed upon her, swift, overmastering as a tidal wave, and before it even the memory of her sorrow grew dim. Blake, turning at last, met her eyes fixed full upon him with that in their expression which no man could ignore. She had not expected him to turn. The movement disconcerted her.