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There are two Henrys one, the owner of a ten-story building in Wichita, the editor of a powerful and profitable newspaper; the other a protagonist, a sentimental idealist. To me this was his greatest charm this infinite variety of Henrys that was forever turning up in our discourse.

Throwing people overboard in Manila bay, and in a ten-story flagship in Washington, is going to be different."

I heard Button saying last week that nothing short of a ten-story house could have stopped you that day." "He must think me an awful fool," responded Joel. "The idea of not remembering that I was off-side!" "Pshaw; why, the first time I played against Eustace at Hillton I tackled the referee in mistake for the man with the ball! And threw him, too! And sat on his head!" West grinned.

In twenty years, instead of this half French, lazy little town of Papeete I saw a great American city with ten-story buildings and street-cars, a theatre and an opera house, a stock exchange and a mayor." "But go ahead, Edward," cried Bateman, springing up from the chair in excitement. "You've got the ideas and the capacity. Why, you'll become the richest man between Australia and the States."

He was once ascending in the unusually commodious and luxurious elevator of a new ten-story hotel and remarked to his companion: 'If we can't be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease, we can at least start in that direction under not dissimilar conditions. He also said that the advantage of stopping at this particular hotel was that you were able to get as far as possible from the city in which it was located.

"It was bad for her, I know," proceeded that lady, "but she would have her own way, poor soul, and he well, he'd have had the top brick of the chimney of a ten-story house off, if she had taken a fancy for that article." Those stoves and pipes were a great bait to Colonel Morris, as well as a source of physical enjoyment to his servants.

So we piles in, umbrella, pies, and all, and inside of half an hour I've landed the whole shootin' match safe in a two-fifty air-shaft room in one of those punk little ten-story hotels down in the 40's. I showed 'em how to work the electric light switch, got 'em some ice water, and pointed out the fire escape.

The expression of her face at that moment sent the maid cowering against the wall, and tied her tongue; the bride looked as if she were quite capable of pitching an officious helper out of a ten-story window. "My God!" said the girl to herself, as Nancy, without so much as a word or a look in her direction, slammed the door behind her.

Jack could not see that in the end he should own much of anything unless by some surprising stroke of luck a good many thousands of dollars fell into his lap. But he felt that Milly should have a permanent place of her own, such as the slice of the new ten-story building offered, and it would be better for the child than to be wandering from rented apartment to apartment.

No mere chauffeur he, of the little two-wheeled machine whose cult, throughout the most of our land, has all but exterminated ornamental gardening. In New Orleans, where it has not conquered, there is no crowding for room. A ten-story building is called there a sky-scraper. The town has not a dozen in all, and not one of that stature is an apartment or tenement house.