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'Aye, soom faddlin kind of a name they gie it I know those Manchester chaps, as cooms trespassin ower t' Scout wheer they aren't wanted. To hear ony yan o' them talk, yo'd think theer wor only three fellows like 'im cam ower i' three ships, an two were drownded. T'aint ov ony account what they an their books coe it.

He knew a bit, he'd make bold to say, about the acreage needed in certain districts per head of sheep; he could tell a tale of the risks and mischances squatting involved: "If t'aint fire it's flood, an' if the water passes you by it's the scab or the rot."

I'd been away for a few minutes look'n' arter a bit of peg I've got in a shed down yander; and when I keame back to let down th' drawbridge, I didn't sing out to ax if there wur any one in th' old too-wer, for t'aint often as there be any one at that time of night." "Tell me the way to the nearest village," cried Honoria. "I want to get some conveyance to take me to Raynham."

"Don't say so, master, if you please; dat ox, if you could a smelled him roastin, and de whiskey-punch," and Bacchus snapped his finger, as the only way of concluding the sentence to his own satisfaction. "Take him off, Mark," said Mr. Weston, "the drunken old rascal." "Master," said Bacchus, pushing Mark off, "I don't like de way you speak to me; t'aint 'spectful." "Carry him off," said Mr.

'T'aint right to be bitin' a feller when whisky's two dollars a gallon. Dern all foreigners, anyhow!" And the mortal part pulled on its boots. TALL TALK. A Call to Dinner.

As all air commandin offissers, there ain't no jelusy, and as we air all exceedin smart, it t'aint worth while to try to outstrip each other. The idee of a company composed excloosively of Commanders-in-Chiefs, orriggernated, I spose I skurcely need say, in these Brane. Considered AS a idee, I flatter myself it is putty hefty.

But don't bother, it's only for a few hours. Mother's out I know." "Course she is. Simpson the cattle dealer's a-beauing her to Marybone Gardens. They won't be back this side o' midnight. Now just tell me what you been a-doin' of. You're a pretty bag o' mischief if ever there was one. Who's the man this time? T'aint the one as you runned away with, is it?"

"Bless me, if t'aint from Master Percy, an' to Miss Lena! Well, an' she never saying a word of it. What's she so secret habout it for?" Now Hannah's chief stumbling-block was a most inordinate curiosity, and once aroused on the subject of that letter, was not likely to be laid to rest until it had received some satisfaction.

"Look here, Phillis," said Bacchus, going to the door as fast as the uncertain condition of his pantaloons would allow him, "did you 'spose I was sich a fool as to wear dis to meetin to-day?" "Yes, I did," said Phillis. "Why, t'aint fit for a nigger to hoe corn in, its as big as a hay-stack." "Have you tried it on?" asked Phillis. "T'aint no use," said Bacchus, "I can tell by de looks."

Her heart is just set on Kit, and she would not hurt a hair of her head in her most contrary moods, when even the black cat won't stay in the place she is making such a scrimmage with the pots and pans. But Kit only laughs. 'It is Ma'am at her music, she says; 'but it t'aint the sort of music I like. Yes, indeed, sir, I have heered her say that a score of times."