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Capricious, impulsive, she captured my interest because she put a high value on her favour; she drove me over the hills, informing me at length that I was sympathique different from the rest; in short, she emphasized and intensified what I may call the Weathersfield environment, stirred up in me new and vague aspirations that troubled yet excited me. Then there was Mrs.

Maybrick sympathique and shortly after this rejoined the matron. It was the first time I had seen a prison and my heart and mind were moved as we went from cell to cell nodding to the grey occupants. "Have you any very bad cases?" I asked. "I mean any woman who is difficult and unhappy?"

Je dis nous, car Madame Austin etait pour moi une vraie et intime amie. Je l'ai connue dans mes joies et mes tristesses, dans mes succes et mes revers. Je l'ai trouvee toujours la meme, la meme elevation d'esprit, le meme coeur sympathique et devoue.

For one thing, she felt the need to make a scene; her nerves were overwrought. But her scenes were at a discount with the other domestics, and as for Mr Murch, he had chilled her into self-control with his official manner. Trent, her glimpse of him had told her, had not the air of a policeman, and at a distance he had appeared sympathique.

"We shall soon see!" Gyp played. Twice he nodded; once he tapped his fingers on his teeth, and showed her the whites of his eyes which meant: "That will have to be very different!" And once he grunted. When she had finished, he sat down beside her, took her hand in his, and, examining the fingers, began: "Yes, yes, soon again! Spoiling yourself, playing for that fiddler! Trop sympathique!

Capricious, impulsive, she captured my interest because she put a high value on her favour; she drove me over the hills, informing me at length that I was sympathique different from the rest; in short, she emphasized and intensified what I may call the Weathersfield environment, stirred up in me new and vague aspirations that troubled yet excited me. Then there was Mrs.

I try to be sympathique, and your difficulties come very home to me because I have had such great sorrows myself. But I have little hopes of doing any good while you are so self-willed." "Dearest," exclaimed Brigit: "trust me!"

Capricious, impulsive, she captured my interest because she put a high value on her favour; she drove me over the hills, informing me at length that I was sympathique different from the rest; in short, she emphasized and intensified what I may call the Weathersfield environment, stirred up in me new and vague aspirations that troubled yet excited me. Then there was Mrs.

The foreigners said only that Lady Palmerston was " sympathique." The small fry of the Legations were admitted there, or tolerated, without a further effort to recognize their existence, but they were pleased because rarely tolerated anywhere else, and there they could at least stand in a corner and look at a bishop or even a duke. This was the social diversion of young Adams.

"Pardon me, mon ami, you were not precisely sympathique." He turned to me earnestly. "Tell me you see now that he must not be arrested?" "Perhaps," I said doubtfully, for I was really quite indifferent to the fate of Alfred Inglethorp, and thought that a good fright would do him no harm. Poirot, who was watching me intently, gave a sigh.