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But he thought better of it when we had come halfway down the winding-stair, and said he would excuse me this time, and that the constable might let me go, and only lock up my child very fast, and bring the key to him, seeing she was a stubborn person, as he had seen at the very first hearing which he had given her. Hereupon my poor child was torn from me, and I fell in a swound upon the steps.

A prickle's at my skin that tells me here is dool, and I can smell mort-cloth." Sonachan gave a grunt, and thumped loudly on the fir boards. A silence that was like a swound fell on the instant, and the light within went out at a puff. For a moment it seemed as if our notion of occupancy and light and lament had been a delusion, for now the grave itself was no more desolate and still.

For when we came to where we thought it must be, a huge hill of sand had been heaped up as by a whirlwind, and the fir-twigs which my child had covered over it were gone. She was near falling in a swound when she saw this, and wrung her hands and cried out with her Saviour, "My God, my God! why hast thou forsaken me!"

Hows'ever we wasn't forsooken at the eleventh hour, for a wave all of a sudden washed him high and dry on a ledge of rock, an' he stood up and waved his hand and then fell down in a swound. Then we thought again it was all up with us, for every wave went roarin' up to young Mister McLeod, as if it wor mad to lose him, and one or two of 'em even sent the foam washin' in about his legs.

I teached him, myself, how to break the first sea-biscuit he ever tasted, and next day he could do it as well as any on us! You see how handy and quick he is about a vessel's decks, shipmates; a ra'al rouser at a weather earin' well, when he first come aboard here, and that was little more than two years ago, the smell of tar would almost make him swound away."

I wonder how you could expect it, Snecky, and his mother taen so suddenly ill; he's at her bedside, but the doctor has little hope." "This is what has occurred, Tailor: Mr. Dishart never got the length of the pulpit. He fell in a swound on the vestry floor. What caused it? Oh, nothing but the heat. Thrums is so dry that one spark would set it in a blaze."

"But they took en up for dead, miss for he'd a-swum out to the wreck, an' then he'd a-swum back with a man 'pon his back an' touchin' shore, he fell downward in a swound, marvellous like to death for all to behold.

Oh, you anngelliferous madam! jist look up and say the word, for I'm now ready to mount a wild-cat: jist look up, and don't make a die of it, for thar's no occasion: for ar'n't I your niggur-slave, Ralph Stackpole? and ar'n't I come to lick all that's agin you, Mingo, Shawnee, Delaware, and all! Oh, you anngelliferous crittur! don't swound away, but look up, and see how I'll wallop 'em!"

It would have made you split your sides wi' laughin' if you'd seen Sam come out o' the smoke carryin' the master o' the house on his shoulder in his shirt and drawers, with only one sock on, an' his nightcap tied so tight under his chin that they had to cut it off him in a swound, too, hangin' as limp as a dead eel on Sam's shoulder, with his head down one side, an' his legs down the other.

Is there anything more drowsy than his description of the abode of sleep: "And more, to lull him in his slumber soft, A trickling stream from high rock tumbling down, And ever drizzling rain upon the loft Mix'd with a murmuring wind, much like the sound Of swarming bees, did cast him in a swound,* No other noise nor peoples' troublous cries, As still are wont t' annoy the walled town, Might there be heard; but careless quiet lies Wrapt in eternal silence, far from enemies."