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Many members of the Masonic fraternity fail utterly to understand the symbolical language of their mosques and the phallic and yoni emblems which constitute their decorations. Notable among these emblems are the pomegranate; the lotus; the circle; the crescent; the swastika.

When the Jadoo-wallah has sat himself down with his bag and baskets in their correct places he usually proceeds to show the following tricks: The cups and balls. The bamboo sticks. The ring on the stick. The ball in the glass box. The bunder-boat. The bowl of rice. The coloured sands. The rope trick. The egg bag. The swastika. The dancing duck. The mango tree. The basket trick.

Higgins' hair-trigger laughter rumbled deep accompaniment; and, as always, the engineer's merriment forced itself upon Roger, and he joined in, while the silver of the girl's tones pealed above both, tinkling in the sun-kissed palms above, rolling out over the purple water, out to the mooring of the immaculate Egret. "We were on the Swastika, and rose early," explained Roger.

"Come on the Swastika?" "Yes." "She's sailing." "Yes; that's why we're hiding. We're not going back on her." Roger's eyes had not left the man's. Each had appraised the other and given a favorable verdict. "We're going up the river. I've got some land I've got to look at up there." "How d'you figure to go?" "On the Cormorant; we know she's going up. We're going on her by force, if necessary."

Did you notice the little Show medallions with the swastika? Young Ste. Marie was here this afternoon." He introduced the name with no pause or change of expression, as if Ste. Marie were a part of the decoration of the mandarin's jacket. "I told him he was a damned fool." "Yes," said Miss Benham, "I know. He said you did.

"Once upon a time," when the Stone Men had passed, a strange, new civilization is thought to have girdled the earth, passing probably in a "brown belt" from Mediterranean lands across India to the Pacific world and the Americas. Its sign was the curious symbol of the Swastika; its passwords certain primitive customs common to all these lands.

All were mingled and mixed in one bright mass strongly lighted by the sun. Occasionally one saw the soldiers of Baron Ungern rushing about in long blue coats; Mongols and Tibetans in red coats with yellow epaulets bearing the swastika of Jenghiz Khan and the initials of the Living Buddha; and Chinese soldiers from their detachment in the Mongolian army.

Anyhow, the sign on the door or the hearth should protect you against fire and water and thieves. "By this time should have reached you a Swastika door-knocker, which I hope may fit in with the new house and the new name. It was made by a village-smith; and you will see that it has my initials, to which I hope you will add yours, that the story may be complete.

The Bogdo clapped his hands and one of the secretaries took from a red kerchief a big silver key with which he unlocked the chest with the seals. The Living Buddha slipped his hand into the chest and drew forth a small box of carved ivory, from which he took out and showed to me a large gold ring set with a magnificent ruby carved with the sign of the swastika.

"Oh, that's not her real name." He filled the cans vigorously. "She is really Swanson or Swanage or something like that but I never know what it is, so I call her Swastika. She is rather like the individual in the 'Hunting of the Snark, who 'answered to Hi or to any loud cry, but it's handy having a name to call her by sometimes."