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Enough takes place to the present day to justify this feeling; but formerly, when the most thrifty subjects could buy governorships, and shamelessly fleece their provinces, such outrageous abuses are said to have been permitted until, in process of time, suspicion has become a kind of instinct amongst the Filipinos.

When I went off to his house at Palace Gate, presenting myself about five o'clock, he was delighted to see me, as he always was, but I saw he was very uncomfortable and distressed. "Why didn't you tell me," he said testily, "a day or two ago would have done. But now, my dear fellow, the table's full it's impossible." "What?" I asked, yet not without a suspicion of the truth for I knew him.

I'll suggest to you how to do it in such a fashion that it'll arouse no suspicion, and look just like an ordinary very ordinary business job at a salary and on conditions to be arranged, and you're safe! Safe, Mrs. Mallathorpe you know what that means!" Mrs. Mallathorpe suddenly rose from her chair. "I know this!" she said. "I'll discuss nothing, and do nothing, till I've seen that will!"

The boat's head was round, by this time, and the men began to row steadily. At present, they hardly knew whether they were satisfied, or not. Two hundred and fifty dollars was, to them, an enormous sum; but the risk was great. It was not that they feared that any suspicion would fall upon them, on their return.

Of course, suspicion instantly pointed to "Forty-niner," who indignantly denied that he had brought, or even thought of bringing, anything home which his beloved mistress did not wish there. "Doesn't anybody trust me any more about anything?" he concluded, wistfully. The accusation had come from Mrs.

Surely he had left it here, surely he had not removed it. He tried to think when he had seen it last. And he remembered. It had been two or three months ago, and he knew that he had left it here, he even remembered the trouble he had had in drawing it up after him through the small trap door. Now where was it? His first suspicion was that one of his men had been using it.

"Well, you see, it aint altogether on your account that I've come," said Sawyer with a weak laugh, seeing that in the old man's astonishment there lurked an unfavorable suspicion. "Mother and you know she's getting along took it into her head today that nothing would do her so much good as a visit from your wife and Miss Annie. And she says she'd like mighty well to have you."

Compulsory education for children, and the extension of educational facilities for adults, have become a primary policy of government. Nations which deliberately seek to restrict that very policy have aroused revolution within and suspicion and fear outside their boundaries. Bahá’u’lláh commanded the adoption of a universal auxiliary language, and Dr.

The suspicion had crossed his mind that possibly the latter had got into some such way himself it was over a year since he had seen him and was taking this method to hunt up an all-night opium joint. His experience made him constantly suspicious, but unlike the regular police, a suspicion with him remained a suspicion until proven. It never gained strength merely by being in his thought.

It seemed strange both to Dundee and Balcarres that the message had not been to them, or at least accompanied by a letter informing them of its purport; but they had no suspicion of its contents, and willingly agreed to the terms on which the Whigs consented to hear it read.