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Sturk, frightened and admiring, used to say, while he grinned and muttered, and tittered into the fire, with his great shoulders buried in his balloon-backed chair, his heels over the fender and his hands in his breeches' pockets 'But, Barney, you know, you're so clever there's no one like you! And he was fond of just nibbling at speculations in a small safe way, and used to pull out a roll of bank-notes, when he was lucky, and show his winnings to his wife, and chuckle and swear over them, and boast and rail, and tell her, if it was not for the cursed way his time was cut up with hospital, and field days, and such trumpery regimental duties, he could make a fortune while other men were thinking of it; and he very nearly believed it.

See he swallows free enough; and then Black Dillon plucked up his eyelids with a roughness that terrified the reverential and loving Mrs. Sturk, and examined the distorted pupils. 'You see the cast in that eye, Ma'am; there's the pressure on the brain. Dillon was lecturing her upon the case as he proceeded, from habit, just as he did the students in the hospital. 'No convulsions, Ma'am?

Sturk came in, and Toole gave leave for chicken broth at twelve o'clock, about two table-spoonsful, and the same at half-past one, when he hoped to be back again. And on the lobby he gave her, with a cheery countenance, all the ambiguous comfort he could. And Lowe asked Mrs.

There's little to be said, and that little, Sir, not told in a moment, answered Toole, and took snuff. 'How's Sturk, Sir? repeated the silver spectacles, a little sternly. 'Well, Sir, he's not dead; but, by your leave, had we not better go into the parlour, eh?

And so Sturk closed the window and remembered his dream, and looked out stealthily but sternly from the door, which was ajar, and shut it sharply, and with his hands in his breeches' pockets, took a quick turn to the window; his soul had got into harness again, and he was busy thinking.

'Twas like a page cut out of a book lost for so many years. And Sturk moaned a despairing wish to Heaven that the secret had never returned to him again. 'Yes, Sir like a page cut out of a book, and never missed till 'twas found again; and then sharp and clear, every letter from first to last.

Sturk hubble-bubble Secretaries of State in the room of the Duke of Grafton and General Conway rubble-dubble venerable prelate ha-ha-ha! hubble-bubble filthy creature hubble-bubble-rubble-dubble. And this did not make him much wiser or merrier. Love has its fevers, its recoveries, and its relapses.

Apothecary Toole, looked queer, the spiteful dog, just to disquiet me. I wonder at Dr. Walsingham though. A sensible man would have laughed me into spirits. On my soul, I think he believes in dreams. And Sturk laughed within himself scornfully. It was all affectation, and addressed strictly to himself, who saw through it all; but still he practised it.

Half-a-dozen gaping villagers stood round. There was an indescribable something about the group which indicated horror and excitement. Dangerfield quickened his pace, and arrived just as the adjutant rode out. Saluting both as he advanced, Dangerfield asked 'Nothing amiss, I hope, gentlemen? 'The surgeon here's been found murdered in the park! answered Lowe. 'Hey Sturk? said Dangerfield.

Barry's and Woodward's theatrical venture might be viewed in the light of idolatry or murder. Dangerfield had gone away some time so had Mervyn Sturk and his wife went next, and Cluffe and Puddock, who lingered as long as was decent, at last took leave. The plump lieutenant went away very happy, notwithstanding the two or three little rubs he had met with, and a good deal more in love than ever.