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But soon I came to a steepish bank the land began to slope up suddenly and the rapids and waterfalls of the brook were very gay and interesting. Then, besides Track-up, which was now its word always instead of Trickle, I heard every now and then All right, which was encouraging and exciting. Still, there was nothing out of the way to be seen, look as I might.

The man peered at me suddenly, and leaned forward to shorten his reins, for we were on the edge of a steepish dip downhill. "Well, and so we might," he answered, picking up his whip again and indicating the dark moorland on our left. "That's if half the tales be true." "Haunted?" I asked, scanning the darkness. "Opposition coach hearse and pair, driven by the Old Gentleman hisself.

With a wave of his hand he indicated a steepish knoll that rose up on their left. "I'm goin' up there to look around an' see what the country looks like ahead," he explained. "I'll take both cayuses along, jest in case yuh should take the notion to go for a little canter. Sabe?"

The limit of this evil time had arrived only when, on the dawn of a winter's morning, Peter Quint was found, by a laborer going to early work, stone dead on the road from the village: a catastrophe explained superficially at least by a visible wound to his head; such a wound as might have been produced and as, on the final evidence, HAD been by a fatal slip, in the dark and after leaving the public house, on the steepish icy slope, a wrong path altogether, at the bottom of which he lay.

But when the lower slopes of the hills were reached, and steepish gradients were met with here and there, the horse began to put back first one ear and then the other, and sometimes both, as if in expectation of the familiar "well done," or pat on the neck, or check of the rein with which the captain had been wont to sanction a slackening of the pace, but no such grace was allowed him.

It is not very deep, and I believe the sheep could have stood up, and been well in its depth, if it had liked, but it would not try. It was a steepish bank. Alice and I got down and stuck our legs into the water, and then Dicky came down, and the three of us hauled that sheep up by its shoulders till it could rest on Alice and me as we sat on the bank. It kicked all the time we were hauling.

Then there is a strange, small church, of the dimmest antiquity, standing at a distance from the other buildings. I remember that after we had let ourselves down a good many steepish places to visit crypts and con- fessionals, we walked across a field to this archaic cruciform edifice, and went thence to a point further down the road, where our carriage was awaiting us.

Lawless turned aside under the bare branches of the grove, and, walking resolutely forward for some time, came to a steepish hollow or den, that had now drifted a quarter full of snow. On the verge, a great beech-tree hung, precariously rooted; and here the old outlaw, pulling aside some bushy underwood, bodily disappeared into the earth.

"It was just about the most horrible ten minutes I ever had, blundering about in that darkness pressure something awful, like being buried in sand, pain across the chest, sick with funk, and breathing nothing as it seemed but the smell of rum and mackintosh. Gummy! After a bit, I found myself going up a steepish sort of slope.

"Well, miss, there be a steepish bit of road, and a many ockard cornders; I should say 'a might do it in two hours and a half, with a fresh pair of nags put in while you ladies be a-cleaning of yourselves, miss. Leastways, if Hadmiral not object."