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If you hadn’t thought of stalling the cruiser, and if you hadn’t stayed behind to give us time, we’d have some casualties, and so would the Connies we captured." "There wasn’t anything else I could do," Rip replied. "Come on, Koa. Let’s see what the cruiser is doing." They stepped outside. The metal was already cold again. Things didn’t stay hot in the vacuum of space.

She could see that he was stalling for time, and trying to laugh off a topic that was serious indeed to him. "We're such old friends, Gil," she said, looking at his handsome face. "I don't like to go to think of you always, like this alone." "I still have uncle," he reminded her. "Oh, don't joke, Gil! You need a woman a wife someone to mother you." "All those?"

We were soon unconscious of every thing around us, and did not awake until past four o'clock, when we once more resumed our journey, and by sundown we had gained a small brook within a few miles of Mount Alexander. Here we proposed to pass the night, and after watering the animals, and stalling them in a good piece of fresh grass, we began to make provision for rest.

Experienced agents wouldn't have given him and Scotty the chances that they'd seized. "The men must know what was under the water," Scotty said. "Not necessarily. They just knew it was important, and they may have been ordered to protect it. But your former shadow was on the griddle all night, and told all he knew. It wasn't much. He didn't even know who had hired him. He wasn't stalling, either."

"You mean our wives? They're having a nap. Sorry." "I mean my sister and her friend. Stop stalling, Mister." Striped shirt shook his head. "Sorry, boy. We haven't seen your sister. Now climb back on your little airplane and get out of here." Rick's reply was a stroke that brought him to the houseboat. He reached up for a handhold, when a boat hook suddenly touched his forehead.

Slowly, he pivoted his chair, to look at the entertainment screen. He started to energize it, then drew his hand back. So that crackpot, Graham, had finally come up with something definite. Morely smiled again. It had almost seemed as though the man had been stalling for a while. But the pressure and the veiled threats had been productive again.

Its purpose had really been to get Tom away from Enterprises thus giving the two thugs a starting point from which to follow him. The mountain hike, organized by Bud and the girls, had played right into their hands! As Tom sized up the situation, seeking a way out, the group reached the cabin. "What are your terms for letting us go?" Tom asked their captors, stalling for time.

"The old reprobate's only stalling," yelled Dick into Tom's ear, at the same time pounding him frantically on the back. "He isn't going his limit, by a whole lot. Watch him, now, just watch " but his words were drowned in the shrill cowboy yell that split the air. "Yi, yi, yi!" they shouted, half crazy with excitement. For Bert, their champion, suddenly seemed to be galvanized into furious action.

Throttle down and go slow. We'll scan the whole coastline from here to Spindrift." Scotty did so, holding the little plane barely above stalling speed. Rick leaned out and traced the shore with anxious eyes. The plane turned and twisted as Scotty followed the coastline as accurately as he could. They reached the upper tip of North Cove and swung into the cove itself.

It is not this, however, has prompted Gaspar to make stop beside it; but simply that he there sees a place suitable for the stalling of their horses. There is no need to take the animals on to the other side, but better leave them there, and themselves go forward afoot. Thus reflecting, all three dismount, and attach their horses to the corner posts of the scaffold, each choosing one for his own.