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She evidently did not understand me; and the Muskrat squaw, and Betty Cow, were laughing at my attempts to draw her out. "Now mind, Jenny, and give the old squaw the best bed," I said; "the others are young and can put up with a little inconvenience." The old Indian glanced at me with her keen, bright eye; but I had no idea that she comprehended what I said.

"Yander's that youngster Beverley," he exclaimed. "Ef it ain't I'm a squaw!" Nor did he parley further on the subject; but set off at a rickety trot to meet and assist the fagged and excited young man. Clark had given Oncle Jazon his flask, which contained a few gills of whisky. This was the first thing offered to Beverley; who wisely took but a swallow.

"Infamous woman!" will she cry, "I have seen your husband carrying wood into his lodge to make the fire. Where was his squaw, that he should be obliged to make a woman of himself!" Mr.

Allie partook of the Indian food, which was coarse and unpalatable, but it satisfied her hunger. When she had finished the squaw laboriously tied the thongs round Allie's wrists, and, pushing her back on the robe, covered her up and left her. After that it grew dark rapidly, and the rain increased to a torrent. Allie, hardly realizing how cold she had been, began to warm up under the woolly robe.

The older women dress in the ordinary squaw costume, with short, narrow petticoats, and embroidered metasses, or leggings.

If Nita and my little girl had been here it wouldn't have been that way. I'd have persuaded them to leave him with me. With no home to take him to I'd have no case. So I got busy on a report that made him out the bastard of An-ina and the dead trader. They can't claim him from his mother, even though she's a squaw. And anyway I've fixed it with McDowell they both remain with you."

Wish some good-lookin' squaw would get took with me and follow me off, for I sure hates cookin' and housework." Still talking to himself he resumed the descent, slipping and sliding and digging his heels hard to hold himself back. "They say she sticks like beeswax, Dubois's squaw, never tries to run off but stays right to home raisin' up a batch of young 'uns.

The visitor was bolder now, being accompanied by officers of the law; so bold indeed that he was able to pity the grief of the poor, unintelligible squaw, volleying forth a world of words of which every tenth phrase was "Alchie Loyston." By what argument she sought to detain him, what claims she preferred, what threats she voiced, can never be known.

To this patriarchal family Gretchen came one day, bringing her violin. Fair Cloud was there to receive her, and the crazy old squaw seemed to be made happy by the sight of her white face, and she did all that she could in her simple way to make her welcome.

The young man again swept the room with his arm. "Bah! Eagle Feather is no good. He is an old squaw," said Cameron. "Huh!" agreed the Indian quickly. "Little Thunder go too." "Little Thunder, eh?" said Cameron, controlling his voice with an effort. The lad nodded, his piercing eye upon Cameron's face. For some minutes Cameron smoked quietly. "And Onawata?"