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Bounderby's dining-room, where the people behind lost not a moment's time in mounting on the chairs, to get the better of the people in front. 'Fetch Mr. Bounderby down! cried Mrs. Sparsit. 'Rachael, young woman; you know who this is? 'It's Mrs. Pegler, said Rachael. 'I should think it is! cried Mrs. Sparsit, exulting. 'Fetch Mr. Bounderby. Stand away, everybody! Here old Mrs.

Sparsit, 'whether she is to go straight to the school, or up to the Lodge. 'She must wait, ma'am, answered Bounderby, 'till I know myself. We shall have Tom Gradgrind down here presently, I suppose. If he should wish her to remain here a day or two longer, of course she can, ma'am. 'Of course she can if you wish it, Mr. Bounderby.

In the interest of seeing her, ever drawing, with no hand to stay her, nearer and nearer to the bottom of this new Giant's Staircase. With all her deference for Mr. Bounderby as contradistinguished from his portrait, Mrs. Sparsit had not the smallest intention of interrupting the descent.

Mrs. Sparsit laughed outright. 'A chit, said she. 'Not twenty when she was married. 'I give you my honour, Mrs. Powler, returned the stranger, detaching himself from the table, 'that I never was so astonished in my life! It really did seem to impress him, to the utmost extent of his capacity of being impressed.

For it was to be seen with half an eye that he was a thorough gentleman, made to the model of the time; weary of everything, and putting no more faith in anything than Lucifer. 'I believe, sir, quoth Mrs. Sparsit, 'you wished to see me. 'I beg your pardon, he said, turning and removing his hat; 'pray excuse me. 'Humph! thought Mrs. Sparsit, as she made a stately bend.

Sparsit was fond of observing with a lofty grace: particularly when any of the domestics were present, 'that what I was, I am no longer. Indeed, said she, 'if I could altogether cancel the remembrance that Mr.

We take the definition of the Hebrew word ZRA, translated "seed" in the 11th verse of the 1st chapter of Genesis, from Professor Edward Leigh, of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, in his "Critica Sacra," first published in 1662: "Sparsit, asparsit, cum aspersione fudit, diffudit," etc, that is, "something sown, scattered, universally diffused, everywhere implanted," as a germ in the earth.

No, no, it's of no use my talking to you about tumblers. I should speak of foreign dancers, and the West End of London, and May Fair, and lords and ladies and honourables. 'I trust, sir, rejoined Mrs. Sparsit, with decent resignation, 'it is not necessary that you should do anything of that kind. I hope I have learnt how to accommodate myself to the changes of life.

'Why, what do you mean by this? was his highly unexpected demand, in great warmth. 'I ask you, what do you mean by this, Mrs. Sparsit, ma'am? 'Sir! exclaimed Mrs. Sparsit, faintly. 'Why don't you mind your own business, ma'am? roared Bounderby. 'How dare you go and poke your officious nose into my family affairs? This allusion to her favourite feature overpowered Mrs. Sparsit.

'Yes, ma'am, returned Bitzer, 'if that's worth the money. 'Besides which, ma'am, resumed Bitzer, while he was polishing the table, 'he looks to me as if he gamed. 'It's immoral to game, said Mrs. Sparsit. 'It's ridiculous, ma'am, said Bitzer, 'because the chances are against the players. Whether it was that the heat prevented Mrs.