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"Ah, yes, of course." The Sov officer came to his feet again and clicked his heels. "My superiors have requested that I deliver this into your own hands, as well as copies to the West-world Ambassador, to General Armstrong and Dr. Haer." He handed a document to Joe. Joe turned it over in hand, blankly. It was in Hungarian. He looked up at the other.

My master's team had had bad luck though, for after pressing the Flying Blues till within a few minutes of the game, the Blues beat the Conquerors by one goal to none, Bill Donoup sending the ball under goal at the last minute, although the story goes that he had a bet of a "sov." that the Conquerors would win, and it was even admitted that he was heard to say, when kicking the goal, "Here goes my blooming sovereign!"

The Sov military observer clucked his tongue. "An indication of a declining society." Balt Haer turned on him. "And is it any different in your world?" he said sneeringly. "Is it merely coincidence that the best positions in the Sov-world are held by Party members, and that it is all but impossible for anyone not born of Party member parents to become one?

It wasn't Julia, clearly? "Who had hold of the letter, between you and her?" said he, quite off the right scent. "Only young Micky Ragstroar...." "There we've got it!" The man pounced. "Only that young offender and the Police. That was good for half a sov. for him.... Don't see what I mean? I'll tell you. He delivered your letter all right, after they'd run their eyes over it.

Go where you please, and do as you please. You're right welcome. Where did you get that sov.?" "From Farmer Goodenough." "Good enough, I hope, not to take advantage of an innocent prince! Was it for taking home the bull?" "No, ma'am. I didn't take the bull home. The bull took me to the old home where we used to be together. He didn't want a new one!" "Well, never mind now. Give me the sovereign.

The skipper's own bronzed cheeks burned to a deeper color. "I can 'ardly believe that an Englishman would play such a trick on young h'officers of a friendly power," he declared. "But I told you, sir, the fare out to your ship would be half a sov. I lied. If a nasty little cockney played such a trick on you, it's my place, as a decent Englishman, to take you out for nothing and that's the fare."

'I'll tell you what I'll do, said Jack, spurring his horse, and trotting up the space that the other had now shot ahead. 'I'll split the difference with you! 'Well, give me the sov., said Sponge, holding out his hand for earnest. 'Why, I haven't a sov. upon me, replied Jack; 'but, honour bright, I'll do what I say.

"Besides," one of the lieutenants said, "They don't want to clean them up. If they did, the Sov equivalent of the fracas buff wouldn't be able to spend his time at the Telly watching the progress of the Glorious Pink Army against the reactionary foe." Joe, under his breath, parroted the words of the Sov officer. "That, sir, is simply not true."

Abolitionist and Democrat, Free Soiler and Squatter Sov, defaced one another in a rush for the platform. The committeemen and reporters on top of it rose to its defence. Well for Stephen that his companion was along. Jim was recognized and hauled bodily into the fort, and Stephen after him.

The faces of the lieutenants went blank, and one of them coughed as though apologetically. The Sov colonel looked from Joe to Max, and then back again, his face assuming that expression so well known to Joe for so very long. The aristocrat looking at one of lower class as though wondering what made the fellow tick.