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And now the chasm, which she thought to have spanned by the religious ceremony on the eve of the coronation, yawned at her feet. The woman and the Empress in her shrank back from the black void of the future; and with piteous reproaches she flung back the orders of the Emperor and the soothings of the husband. Napoleon, it would seem, had nerved himself against such an outbreak.

The poor slave-woman, last night parted from her only boy, and weary with the cotton-picking, the captive pining in his cell, the patient wife of the drunkard, saddened by a consciousness of the growing vileness of one so dear to her once, the delicate spirit doomed to harsh and uncongenial surroundings, all in such hours feel the soothings of a celestial harmony, the tenderness of more than a mother's love.

When you choose an arduous and slippery path, God forbid that any weak feelings of my declining age, which calls for soothings and supports, and which can have none but from you, should make me wish that you should abandon what you are about, or should trifle with it.

Let me go let me go let me go!" He wrenched himself away from his father's clasp drowning with loud tone his father's pathetic soothings out of the house-down the hill lost to sight in the shades of the falling eve. Waife fell on the floor of his threshold, exclaiming, sobbing, moaning, as voice itself gradually died away.

And her letters were more filled with questions about Darrell than even with admonitions and soothings to Sophy.

Oh, how I longed then for the dear soothings of maternal Nature, as my wounded heart was still further stung by the roar of heartless merriment from the public-house, by the sight of the drunkard reeling home, having lost the memory of what he would find there in oblivious debauch, and by the more appalling salutations of those melancholy beings to whom the name of home was a mockery.

Captain Rothesay tried at first, by explanations and by soothings, to stop the small torrent of fretful tears and half-broken accusations. All his words were misconstrued or misapplied. Sybilla would not believe but that he had slighted, ill-used, deceived her. At the term the husband rose up sternly. "Mrs. Rothesay, who was it that deceived me?"

Tinneray, dexterous in all such matters, that caught at a drooping cerulean form as it toppled over. "I know'd she'd faint," the pale-eyed gentleman chuckled. He manfully held his burden until Mrs. Tinneray and Mrs. Bean relieved him. These ladies, practised in all smelling-bottle and cologne soothings, supplied also verbal comfort. "Them young fellows," they explained to Mrs.

Maybe he got plain tired of you." But instead of being cheered up by my explaining things, she put her head on the table and just yowled. Girls are a queer species. "You're cruel, cruel!" she sobbed out, and you bet that surprised me me that was comforting her for all I was worth! I patted her on the back of the neck, and thought hard what other soothings I could squeeze out. Then I had an idea.

You needn't think you're going to be God A'mighty because you've got up a bit earlier for once in a way and been down to th' shop before breakfast." In all his demeanour there was not the least indication of weakness. He might never have sat down on the stairs and cried! He might never have submitted feebly and perhaps gladly to the caresses of Clara and the soothings of Auntie Hamps!