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"It certainly might be better," said Graham considering, "I had thought of it, but however, you are quite right, Madame, a nurse we will have; where can I get one?" Madame said he had better apply to the Soeurs de Charité, and gave him an address, adding that if he would like to go himself she could spare half an hour to sit with Monsieur there.

"You should hear him, when the collection does not suit him: 'Mes freres et mes soeurs, I see that le bon Dieu isn't in your minds and your hearts to-day; you are not listening to his voice; the Saviour is then speaking in vain? Then he prays " the cobbler folded his hands with a great parade of reference, lifting his eyes as he rolled his lids heavenward hypocritically "yes, he prays and then he passes the plate himself!

Madame d'Estrées let it be understood that her step-daughter was of a difficult temper, and now spent most of her time in Ireland. Her own daughter, her "darling Kitty," was being educated in Paris by the Soeurs Blanches, and she pined for the day when the "little sweet" should join her, ready to spread her wings in the great world.

Francois Xavier; there are ancient customs and feudal privileges; Jesuit seminaries, and convents of the Soeurs Gris and the Sulpicians; priests in long black dresses; native carters in coats with hoods, woollen nightcaps, and coloured sashes; and barristers pleading in the French language.

Heady with the sun, and sick with the smell, we found ourselves in one of the worst streets of Alexandria, the "Rue des Soeurs," a filthy thoroughfare of brothels masquerading as shops, and of taverns, which, like the rest of the world, had gone into military dress and called themselves: "The Army and Navy Bar," "The Lord Kitchener Bar," and "The Victory Bar." Phew! the sweat and the stench!

He groaned aloud while he remembered his winter in London, in the forlorn luxury of the Park Lane house. "Where have you been?" he repeated. "Oh! I went to the Soeurs Blanches you remember? where I used to be. You went there, didn't you?" he made a sign of miserable assent "but I made them promise not to tell! There was an old mistress of novices there still who used to be very fond of me.

But mothers must not be impatient, Kitty must have all the advantages that befitted her rank; and to what better hands could the most anxious mother intrust her than to those charming, aristocratic, accomplished nuns of the Soeurs Blanches? Then one January day M. d'Estrées drove out to San Paolo fuori le Mura, and caught a blast from the snowy Sabines coming back.

Lady Elizabeth Stuart has been most peculiarly civil to "Madame Maria Edgeworth et Mesdemoiselles ses soeurs," which is the form on our visiting tickets, as I was advised it should be. The Ambassador's hotel is the same which Lord Whitworth had, which afterwards belonged to the Princess Borghese.

Then Carlton opened the paper again and propped it up against a carafe, and continued his critical survey of the Princess Aline. He seized the Almanach, when it came, with some eagerness. "Guillaume-Albert-Frederick-Charles-Louis, Grand-Duc de Hohenwald et de Grasse, etc., etc., etc." "That's the brother, right enough," muttered Carlton. And under the heading "Soeurs" he read: "4. Psse Aline.

The reader need only compare Les Soeurs Maçonnes, pp. 323 to 330, with the "Conjuration of the Four" in the fourth chapter of the Rituel de la Haute Magie. It will be objected that this conjuration is derived by Lévi himself from a source which he does not name, and as a fact part of it is found in the Comte de Gabalis.